~Aladdin AU PART 3~

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Third Person's POV

          Princess Momo was rushing to the crowd, trying her best not to get noticed by too many people especially by the guest who will be meeting her. As much as she hated these kinds of meetings, she certainly does not want to disappoint her father.

She was able to pass through the guards secretly and managed to head back inside her bedroom, her lady-in-waiting, Jiro, pacing around in a bit of panic soon noticed her.

"Oh thank goodness you've arrived! Hurry, we must let you get prepared before they arrive."

She nodded and got herself dressed up.

As always, she declined the offer and both her and the prince made an agreement to their marriage.

Momo was still in rage as to why wpuld her father continue this.

"Sweetie, please...I'm doing this for your own good--"

"Dad, I love you and I admire the fact how much you care about me, but I can take of myself. I don't need someone." She said before walking out of the throne room.

As she walked in the halls, she accidentally bumped in to their family sorcerer named Jafar.

"Oh, I'm sorry Jafar." She apologized.

"No no no it was my fault sweetie. Another one of those failed marriage agreements has happened once again i suppose?" He guessed.

Momo sighed, "As always."

"Sweetie, you're absolutely right that you need no prince to rule by your side, but how about a sorcerer like me?" He chuckled.

She raised a brow in confusion, "What do you mean by that?"

"What I mean is, what if you and I could rule together side by side?" He smiked.

The princess scoffed, "Seriously? No way am I marrying you, I have no particular relationship with you and I have no love inside me towards you."

She huffed before walking past him, leaving the sorcerer mentally cursing to himself.

"Princess Momo will be mine!" He mumbled before stomping away to his workplace, his parrot following him.

          Eventually, night had fallen and it was the perfect time for Awase and Abu to sneak in to the castle in order to return the bracelet to the lady-in-waiting. Sneaking in the castle was much harder due to the number of guards who are on the look-out, yet he knows how to outsmart them.

Soon, he was able to pass through the gate and the walls of the castle and was now completely inside of the huge building. 

He was able to knock out one of the guards who was walking in the halls and took his uniform as a disguise.

Abu had to hide under the clothing so he wouldn't be found and Yosetsu was now on the search to find the lady-in-waiting who was actually the princess.

           Meanwhile with Momo, she was panicking as she was trying to find the bracelet. She checked through every drawers, closet and even under her bed, yet there was no luck in finding where it was.

That's when she realized that the thief, Yosetsu, took it from her.

Momo mentally facepalmed as she forgot that she left Awase who was supposed to give it back to her, there was no doubt it was her fault who left without remembering the bracelet.

A knock was then heard as she told them to come in.

The door opened and the princess was shocked to who she was seeing. It was the thief who she was with just this morning.

"You're the one who I was with this morning..." Momo spoke with widened eyes in surprise.

As the man slowly closed the door, he was also in confusion as he tilted his head to the side, "You know me? I mean...I'm one of the guards so.."

"I mean the one who I was with at the market place and somewhat took my bracelet." 

Awase blinked as he took off the helmet he was wearing, "I was with you?? The princess??"

The princess then slightly blushed as she nervusly laughed, "Oh yeah....I may have just used the lady-in-waiting as a disguise for myself..hehe.."

"Wow....then I really did fell in love with a princess--" He immediately covered his mouth as he realized what he just said.

"Excuse me?" She smirked.


Momo chuckled, "I think you have something to return to me."

"Of course..!"

Yosetsu pulled out the bracelet out of his pocket and handed it over to her.

"Thank you, Yosetsu." She smiled.

"N-No problem.." He nervously chuckled, blushing slightly.

"So...I'm kinda cuious who you are actually in love with, either me as the lady-in-waiting in disguise, or the literal me as the princess." She teased.

"Well..technically they are both the same person so I guess you can say I fell for just...you." Yosetsu chuckled.

The princess blushed a bit and giggled, "Well you better get going now, you can't stay here since my father or any of the guards will find out."

"I know...I kinda just wish I would at least stay here a bit longer just to talk and see you again. Goodbye your majesty." He bowed before leaving her bedroom.

Momo felt something inside of her that she couldn't quite pinpoint what it was, yet it was a new feeling she has never felt before at all.

Rajah her tiger pet came towards the princess, she purred at her owner which made Momo giggled.

"Would you like to have me brush your fur, Rajah?"

Her tiger nodded and she soon grabbed her hair brush to brush her fur.

          As for Awase, he felt like it was a success for him not only to return the bracelet back to the woman who was actually the princess, yet he was finally able to meet her again. He was smiling like an idiot and Abu noticed it.

His monkey pal hit him in the face.

"Ow! What was that for?" Awase questioned as he rubbed his cheek.

Abu pointed out about how ridiculous he looked while smiling widely like that.

He chuckled, "I don't look that stupid when smiling when I'm excited."

They both continued to walk but all of a sudden, Yosetsu was soon knocked out and him blacking out was the only thing he remembered.

Awamomo(Awase x Momo) Oneshots BookWhere stories live. Discover now