Chapter 88: Argument?

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"Misa, no. You shouldn't do this. We can't guarantee your safety if you chose them," Kakashi made himself clear, his eyebrows furrowing with worry and dread.

He couldn't lose another student. He could deal with losing one student but two? It was awfully cruel on his part. Fate was against him as per usual. He had lost everyone dear to him when he was younger and a couple of years later, he was seeing his children suffer by themselves and lose their true selves. At this point Kakashi believed he was the problem. Everyone he associated and was close to were dying and was losing themselves in the battle of hate, revenge and envy. It was a curse.

"But we can guarantee the safety of those in the village right?" The girl answered giving the trio a weak smile...

The young Uzumaki drew in a deep breath. She was just retaliating with half the truth. It was true that she didn't want to see the village being massacred again but more than that she didn't want her child orphaned. She didn't want her child to be brought unloved like she was. She wanted her child to experience the love of a father which was something she had not ever experienced and she wanted her child to experience the true love of an uncle. Naruto's eyes had brightened up with extreme adoration and care she almost believed he had given birth to him. She would lose her mind if her child lost and was void of all that.

It might not be a strong, important reasoning but it would be one of such kind for the unloved.

Naruto screamed running towards his sister who vanished alongside the devils, "NOOOO, MISA! NOOO.... Please..."

Team 07 just stood looking into the void that was once filled with Misa, Sasuke and Madara. They had disappeared taking Misa with them. Dear Misa was always the true ninja out of the lot. The countless number of times she gave up her life for them... It was her duty to do so but Naruto took blame for it. If only he was stronger... If he could have stood up to Madara and saved both his sister and his beloved friend. His poor sister...

"Take her to the room and keep her there. Don't let her out," Tobi ordered the young Uchiha sneaking a glance the redhead who seemed strangely calm despite the dangerous situation she was placed in.

"I plan to do that. You needn't tell me all that," Sasuke growled, pushing Misa behind him not liking Tobi staring at the girl.

But Tobi was not looking at Misa for the reasons Sasuke thought of. The man couldn't brush away the redhead's close resemblance to Rin.

His sweet Rin.

Misa's doe eyes, her single dimple on the side of her cheek.... How in the world could a girl look exactly like a fragment of his past? He was sure it had come to haunt him and the true reason as to why he wanted Misa on his side was to observe her closely. He wanted to see if she was truly like Rin, maybe then he could be sure of his belief in reincarnation. In any case she was not the reincarnation of Rin, he would kill her.

In Tobi's eyes, there was only place for just one Rin and that was his Rin.

"Misa, I'm sure you know better than to just run away," Madara raised his brow, warning the girl who just rolled her eyes.

"This is a deal. I'm not stupid enough to break it and I'm hoping you won't be stupid enough to break it either," The girl glared angrily with the corner of eyes before letting out a shriek as she was thrown over Sasuke's shoulder with the man taking her to a particularly dark room.

Misa shuddered with rage as the man threw her across the single bed in the cave like room with her long hair sprawling all over, "How dare you? Do you think I'm a piece of rag to be thrown around and across?"

No response.

The girl immediately sat up on the bed, positioning herself up so that her weight was balanced by her hands as she shared an angry glare with the Uchiha who sat on the edge and started wiping his bloody face with a nearby cloth, "Be quiet."

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