Ch. 1- School Day

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Addy's P.O.V

Aidan, my older brother, parked his car into the school parking lot. We both got out of the car. We grabbed our backpacks out of the back of the car.

" Aidan, do you think-" But before I could even finish my sentence, Aidan was walking towards the school.

" Aidan!" I yelled at him. Aidan looked back at me but was still walking to the school.

" Sorry, you bore me!" He yelled back. He continued to walk into school. I shook my head. He needs better listening skills. Or am I really that boring? Nah, that can't be the answer. I'm not boring at all.

I started to walk into school. I walked into the school and walked to my locker. I opened it up and grabbed what I needed from my locker. I put what I needed into my backpack.

" Addison Anderson!" My best friend in the whole entire world yells. I shake my head. I turn around and saw her running towards me.

" What do you want Charlie?" I ask. When Charlie ran up to me, she had the biggest smile on her face. Like, it literally went from ear to ear.

" Guess what?" Charlie says.

" Good or bad?" I ask.

" Extremely good." Charlie says smiling even more. I didn't know it was possible to smile that big. I look in her eyes. They had this kind of sparkle in them. My mouth dropped.

" He asked you out." I say. Charlie nods her head really fast. I squeal in excitement.

" Charlie! That is so adorable! Why didn't you tell me before!" I exclaim.

" I was so caught up with him that I forgot! I'm very sorry!" Charlie says.

" Sorry my butt!" I say.

The he we are talking about is Luke Hemmings, the captain of the math team. Just because he is the captain of the math team, doesn't mean he's ugly or a nerd with glasses. He's drop dead gorgeous. He has the most beautifulest blue eyes ever, he has the perfect blonde hair, and a perfect face. He was a gift from the gods. You wouldn't expect someone like him to go for the math team instead of some kind of sport. That's why he's so great. The first bell of the school day rings.

" See you later Charles." I say.

" I will miss you so much Addy!" Charlie says. I smile to her as she walks away to her first hour.

I grab my first hour must have things and walked to my first hour, which was advanced math. I closed my locker and walked to my first hour. I sit down in my assigned seat in the middle of the classroom. Liam, a friend of my brother, sits next to me, only because it was assigned seats.

" Hey Addy the goody-goody." Liam says.

" What's going on Liam." I say not really wanting to talk to him. I never want to talk to him.

" Nothing much. I'm coming over to hang out with your brother today." Liam says.

" I really don't care about anything that involves my brother." I say.

" You asked about me." Liam says.

" Whatever floats your boat." I say.

Another bell rings. The stragglers quickly walk into the classroom with my teacher, Ms. White, behind them.

" We have a big day today so let's start right away!" Ms. White says.

" If there are partners for today, wanna be my partner?" Liam whispers to me.

" Uh, no. We probably aren't doing anything with groups anyway." I whisper back. Whenever there is a group project or whatever, Liam is always asking to be my partner. And my answer is always no. It's like he can't take a hint. I wish he could take a hint.

" We are learning about angles today!" Ms. White says. Someone in the class raises their hand to hopefully ask a question.

" Yes Jessica?" Ms. White says.

" Why are we learning about angles? That was so 2nd grade." Jessica says.

" Because why not? It's always good to know about angles especially in advanced math!" Ms. White says.

" Why don't we learn about things that matter in life? Like, how to pay bills or whatever." This kid, Noah, asks.

" Because that's not what we learn in advance math, Noah. Now may I teach the lesson about angles?" Ms. White says. Everyone mumbles their yeses.

Now Ms. White is an older woman and was never married. She never had a husband or children. She can have her days or she can't have her days. Today might not be her day.

Ms. White goes and teaches the lesson about angles. I made sure I had everything she said written down in my math notebook. What if we had a pop quiz over it? I would rather be safe then sorry. I'm not taking any chances.

" Hey, Addy I have a question for you." Liam whispers towards me. I put my finger to my lip to indicate to be quiet.

" But it's an important question." Liam whispers. Ms. White turns towards the class.

" Do I hear talking during my lesson on angles?" Ms. White says. The class mumbles their noes. Ms. White turns back to the board and starts teaching about angles again.

" Come on Addy. I swear it's important." Liam whispers. Ms. White turns around again.

" If I hear one more voice, someone is going to detention. We have a lot to do today, we don't need to be fooling around." Ms. White threatens. She goes back and starts teaching again. Liam sighs. He rests his head on his hand and stared up at Ms. White. He'll have to tell me the question later. To be honest, I truly don't care about his question.

The class flew by. While Ms. White was in mid sentence about her angles, the bell indicating the class is over rang. Ms. White sighs.

" I'll teach you the rest of the lesson tomorrow. Have a good rest of the day." Ms. White says. Everyone stands up and exits the classroom. I grab my math things and walk out of the classroom.

I walk to my locker. I unlock the code and my locker swings open. I place my math things back in my locker and I grab my chemistry things. I place my chemistry things in my backpack and I close my locker.

I start walking to the chemistry lab/classroom. I scurried into the classroom part and went to my seat. I place my books on the lab table.

" Hi Addy!" My other friend, Calum, says. He walks to the table in front of me and places his books on the table. He grabs his chair and faces me.

" Hello Calum." I say. He places his arms on my books and lays his head on his arms.

" Hey, did you hear about a new kid coming to our school?" Calum asks.

" Nothing of the sort. Why do you ask?" I say.

" Because there's this new family moving in across the street from me. They look like they have a kid our age." Calum says.

" Well, when do you think, whoever they are, is gonna start school?" I ask.

" I don't know. But hopefully the new kid is a girl. The kid looked like a girl." Calum says.

" Why do you say that?" I ask.

" I say that because there's already too many boys in our grade we don't need another one. We need more girls." Calum says. I laughed a little laugh.

" Whatever you say Calum." I say. The bell to start class rings. The stragglers quickly walk in. Calum faces the front of the room. A couple minutes later, Mr. Bell walks in.

" Sorry I'm a little late, class. Personal issues. Anyway, let's get started!" Mr. Bell says. He goes to the board and starts talking about atoms. And of course I took notes. You never know.

And eventually that school day flew by quickly.


So, this is my new story. I hope you will like it.

Thank you for reading! Comment and vote and follow if you want! I will follow back!


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