Ch. 34- Clueless To Feelings

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Addy's P.O.V

I show up to school the next day feeling like crap. I had to deal with Harry texting me all night long about taking him back. I just don't want to deal with him anymore. He honestly doesn't even care about how I feel about this whole thing. He cheated on me. I just can't take him back just like that. He was the one who was wrong in this situation. Boys are so clueless and I hate it.

I walked to my locker to see Harry standing in front of my locker holding a bag of cookies, he probably made them for me, in his large hands. He was looking down at his phone probably texting me where I was for the fifteenth time today.

I roll my eyes. I walk to my locker just as Harry looked up from his phone. I started pushing him away from my locker.

" Addison, babe, I'm sorry. Please take me back. I brought you my homemade cookies. You know how much you like my homemade cookies." Harry says. I stop pushing him because he was hard to push and I didn't want to push him anymore.

" Harry, stop. Just stop. You don't understand how hard it is for me to get over you. You just don't and you never will. So unless you want those cookies in the trash, then don't give them to me. Go give them to your main bitch or whatever." I say. I start walking away from him with tears in my eyes. I wipe my tears away right as I got to my locker again.

" But Addison, you were my main bitch. The other one didn't matter to me at all. You are the one that matters to me." Harry says walking back to my locker. I let out an angry sigh and turned to him. I'm so done with him. I started to get angry with him.

" Are you kidding me right now Harry? Louis, your best friend in the whole entire world, said I was the side bitch. With all the things you did with me, what did you give the other bitch? Royalty? And besides, cheating is so wrong on so many levels and that's what you did. I don't think I can ever forgive you for what you've done to me. You have obviously ruined my life Harry Styles. Thanks for nothing." I say. I quickly grab my things and shut my locker. I walk away right as the first bell of the day rings.

I walk to my math class with tears in my eyes. I walk into my math class and sat down in my seat. I started wiping my tears away. Liam walks up to me.

" Addy, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Liam asks.

" I don't want to talk about it." I say shaking my head. I wipe more tears away.

" It's about Harry, isn't it." Liam says. I slowly nod my head. Liam wraps me up in a hug. I didn't fight the hug, but I embraced it more.

" It's going to be okay, Addy. He's just a stupid boy anyway." Liam comforted. This is what I really need. The important people helping me through my tough times. We release from each other. Liam wipes the tears that fell from my eyes.

" Better?" Liam asks.

" A lot better. Thank you Liam." I say.

" It's no problem. I do what's best for my friends." Liam says. The bell to start class rings. He gives me one last smile and then walks to his seat. I look down at my stuff. I'm kinda glad Liam is there for me. He's like an older brother. He's a better older brother than Aidan.

I look back at Shawn and he was looking at me with a sympathetic look. I give him a thumbs down. Shawn frowns." It'll get better," Shawn mouthed. I look back to the front of the room. I sure hope so. And with that, Ms. White started to teach the class.


Harry's P.O.V

Does she not understand how heartbroken I am from this? Yeah, sure I made the most stupid mistake in my life, but I regret it. I regret it so much right now. I just need Addison back in my arms again. I want her with me again. I need her with me again.

I can't let her go because she is the love of my life. I can't let her get away from me. I will do anything to get her back in my arms again. I don't want someone else claiming her as theirs because she's my Addison.

I walk into my apartment sadder than the day before. I slip my shoes off and walk to the living room. I plop down on my couch. I pull my phone out and look through my messages with Addison.

I shoot her another "please forgive me" text for like the hundredth time today. I look at the other texts she hasn't answered me from. I just want her to answer me and forgive me. I hope she realizes I'm a huge mess without her.

My phone buzzes in my hand. I look at my phone to see a new message from Addison.

Addison <3: stop texting me Harry. I'm never taking you back. You broke my heart and you don't deserve to be in my life again. I will never forgive you for what you have done to me. It's not fair. Please just leave me alone and don't talk to me ever again

She texted me back! My heart fluttered with joy even if she didn't want to take me back. I had to quickly text her back before she could continue to ignore me.

Harry: please Addison I know what I did was really stupid but I'm heartbroken about this too you're not the only one who is broken from my stupid mistakes. I need you back in my life Addison and you're right I don't deserve to be in your life but I need to be in your life. We're made for each other Addison, why can't you see that?

I look at my small apartment. I need something I can break to let my anger out. I look at the picture Addison gave me of the two of us for Christmas sitting on my coffee table. We were so cute together.

All of a sudden this anger grew inside me as I was staring at the picture. I miss Addison so much. We should be together and it's not fair that we aren't together. We are made for each other.

I grab the picture frame and threw it against the opposite wall. The frame shattered into a bunch of pieces.

I sat down on my couch and shoved my face into my hands. And I cried myself to sleep that night. I cried for my stupidity and I cried for my Addison.


I never realized that I never finished this chapter??? So that just happened. I'm a little embarrassed, but whatever.

Thanks for finishing the chapter that I just now finished. I have no clue to why I never finished and I'm upset at myself for that.

Please vote for my story!! Thank you!! I love you!


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