Ch. 7- Drawing Conclusions

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Harry's P.O.V

I stormed into my last classroom of the day pissed off. I stormed over to my desk and sat down. Everyone near me kept giving me dirty looks like I'm a filthy animal. I'm used to it by now.

People give me any kind of dirty look because of the way I look: covered in tattoos. Even though my personality is nothing like what I look like. Just to make people happy I act like I am the "bad boy". I hate the reputation I gave myself.

" Hey new kid, are you gonna go ditch the last class of the day or what?" This random kid behind me says. I'll ignore him. Harry, just ignore him.

These two boys walk in talking to each other about something that was quite interesting to me.

" Yeah, the new kid really put Ash into a mad state. I tried talking to Ash a little while ago but he nudged me off. The new kid must've said some bad things to Ashton." The colored hair boy says.

" That's awful. I've heard that the new kid is a real dick." The other boy says with an Irish accent. My eyes softened.

People think I'm a dick? I wonder if Addison thinks of me as a dick. She probably does because who wouldn't?

The colored hair boy and Irish dude gave me more dirty looks.

" Dick." One of them mumbled under their breath. I felt my face drop in sadness.

The bell rings and they walked to their seats. The teacher walked in and took attendance. I wasn't going to pay attention during class today, I just knew it. So I grabbed my notebook and started to draw.

I hate how I already have a bad reputation at this school. But Harry, you wanted this. You wanted to make a difference in your life and that's what you did. You made your life different for the better.

Whatever the teacher taught, I didn't listen to it. I was too caught up in my drawing and thoughts.

Eventually the last bell of the day rang. Did class really go that fast or was I just too caught up in my drawing? It doesn't matter anyway.

I grabbed my notebook and pencil and walked out of the classroom. I didn't bother closing my notebook because I was gonna work on my drawing again soon on the bus. I think this drawing might be the best one I've ever done before.

I was walking to my locker when someone grabbed my shoulder and turned me around to face them. I was face to face with the beautiful Addison. But she had an angry look on her face. My mind was racing. Harry, calm down. Act cool. Don't start freaking out. It's not like it's Addison, the most beautiful girl in the school, standing in front of me.

" Did you really have to be such a dick to Ashton? I can't even talk to him now." Addison says. Great, we're talking about Ashton now.

" I wasn't being such a dick to him. I was just simply talking to him." I say.

" So you call "talking to him" yelling? You were so totally yelling at him!" Addison says raising her voice. I grab her lips. Her eyes grew larger.

" We don't need to be raising our voices. We don't need a crowd of people around us." I say. Addison pulls away from hand. She starts wiping her mouth.

" Don't ever touch my lips again." Addison spats.

" Then don't start raising your voice at me." I say.

" I wasn't raising my voice." Addison says.

" Oh, so you call wasn't, was because you were so totally raising your voice." I say smirking. Addison stomps her foot angrily.

" You know what I mean!" Addison says. She looks down at my hand with the notebook. Shit, I think she sees my drawing.

" What's that?" Addison says pointing to my notebook. I bring my notebook behind my back.

" What's what?" I say trying to act like she's not asking about my notebook.

" Harry, I'm not stupid. What's in your notebook?" Addison says.

" It's only some random notes from class." I say.

" If it's just some random notes, then why can't I see them?" Addison says. Shit, she got me. Addison smirks. I gotta think of something.

" It's personal." I quickly say.

" How personal?" Addison says.

" God dammit Addison! It's really personal, I can't let you look at it!" I say loudly. Addison stays quiet. Then she smiles a little bit.

" Don't need to start raising your voice now." Addison quietly says.

This is what I like about her. She can backfire quickly and that's what I need. I smile.

" You're right. I don't need to raise my voice." I say. Addison smiles with me.

" Can I now look at your notebook?" Addison asks. I think about my drawing. It'd be really great if she didn't know what I drew.

" No you can't." I say.

" Then why do I have your notebook?" Addison says showing me my notebook. I look at my empty hands. Then I look at Addison.

" How the hell did you do that?" I say.

" I'm magic." Addison says.

" Give me that back now." I say.

" Just let me look at it!" Addison says.

" I can't let you." I say trying to grab my notebook from her hands. She moved away quickly. She runs away with my notebook. Are you kidding me right now Addison. I ran after her.

I found her going out to the parking lot and looking at my notebook. Her mouth was dropped in shock. She turned around and faced me. I slowly walked up to her.

" It's not what you think." I say. She shows me my drawing.

My drawing, if you have to know, was of Addison standing in a field of flowers with me holding her hands. And there were hearts everywhere. From small, to big hearts.

" Addison, I swear it's not what it looks like." I say. She closes my notebook up. She drops it to the ground. She closes her eyes and painfully sighs. She opens her eyes back up. They focus on me.

" To me, it seems like you like me." That was all Addison said before she walked to someone's car in the parking lot and got in. I stared at her, as whoever drove her, drove away. I sighed.

I went over to my notebook. I bent over and picked it up. I held it in my hand as I walked home. I just wanted to get home.

I feel stupid for letting Addison know I like her. She won't ever look at me the same anymore.

I did this to myself and I hate it.


This is one of my favorite chapters in my whole entry story and I'm not even done writing it.

I don't know but I ship them. I don't know about their ship name because what would go with Harry and Addy?

If you have a ship name for them you can comment it!

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote and follow me if you want! I will follow back!


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