Ch. 47- First

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Addy's P.O.V

" Hey, we're going on a date."

I stare at Harry who was standing on my porch. He shouldn't be at my house talking about our relationship because no one in my family knows about us back together.

" Huh?"

" We're going on a date. Right now." Harry says.

" I can't right now. I'm with my family and it's late." I say.

And as I said that, my mum called," Addy, who is at the door?" I look back at Harry.

" What do I tell her?" I ask. I hear feet walk up to us and I look to see my mum and a tired Adam on her hip. She smiles when she sees Harry.

" Hello Harry. How are you?" Mum says. He smiles his innocent smile.

" I'm doing good Mrs. Anderson." Harry says. Adam tiredly waves at Harry.

" Hi Harry." Adam says yawning.

" Hi Adam. You going to bed?" Harry says.

" No." Adam says.

" Yes you are. It's late for you." Mum says. Mum turns to Harry and I." I'm coming back to talk to both of you. Come in Harry so the bugs don't come in." I let Harry in and close the door. Mum walks upstairs with Adam. I look at Harry.

" I know we're back together, but you just can't come to my door unexpected and say we're going on a date. The last time we went on a late date I ran away from home." I say.

" I'm sorry but I wanted to go on a date. You're going to like this one." Harry says. Aidan walks downstairs and looks at us. He lets out a groan and rolls his eyes.

" Why is he here?" Aidan complains.

" We just wanted to talk. He's leaving soon." I say. Aidan rolls his eyes and walks into the kitchen. Mum walks down the stairs and walks up to us.

" So, Harry, why are you here?" Mum asks.

" I was going to take your daughter to a movie." Harry says. Mum looks at him suspiciously.

" I don't think that's a good idea. It's already late. Coming out of a movie would be even later." Mum says.

" Please Mrs. Anderson? I promise I will get her back home before eleven." Harry says. Mum looks like she was comparing her outcomes. Mum lets out a sigh.

" Fine. But you better be back by eleven." Mum says. I smile.

" Thanks mum." I say slipping my shoes on. Mum nods her head and walks downstairs. Harry connects his hand with mine and we walk out of the house. Harry leads me to his car and opens the passenger door. I get in the car and he closes the door. He runs around the car and gets in himself. He starts the car and starts driving. I never knew Harry had a car.

" So, since when did you get a car?" I ask. He slips his one hand not on the steering wheel through my hand.

" I sold my apartment and my dad and I paid half for this car." Harry says.

" But I've never seen it." I say.

" Yeah, she just sits in the garage. I don't use her much. Only to drive to work and to school now." Harry says.

" Maybe we can drive each other to school this year." I say. Harry smiles.

" You know it." Harry says.

" So, where's our date tonight?" I ask.

" I was thinking ice cream and something else at my house." Harry says. I look at him.

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