Ch. 27- Discussing Things

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Addy's P.O.V

Calum, Shawn, and I walk to Aidan's car at the end of the day. Aidan looks at Shawn weirdly.

" Who's this kid?" Aidan asks.

" This is my friend Shawn. He is new to the school." I say.

" Where's Harry? Weren't you guys gonna hang out today?" Aidan asks. Tears gathered in my eyes.

" Harry is a soft spot for her at the moment. Don't mention his name again." Calum says. Aidan nods his head slowly, clearly confused.

" Just get in the car." Aidan says. We get in the car. I get in the front next to Aidan, Calum and Shawn in the back of the car. I buckle my seatbelt and wipe my tears away. Aidan drives out of the parking lot and towards home. We eventually get home and we all get out of the car. We walk inside. We slip our shoes off.

" Mum, I brought friends!" I yell. I turn to Calum," Go upstairs to my room."

Calum nods his head. He leads Shawn upstairs and hopefully to my room. I walk into the kitchen. I found mum sitting at the island scrolling through her phone.

" Hey mum." I say.

" Hi honey. Did you bring Harry over?" Mum asks. I sigh.

" Actually, Harry and I are going through a little fight right now, so no, I did not bring him here." I say.

" Aww, honey, I'm sorry! Tell me all about it! What happened?" Mum says.

" I really don't want to talk about it. He's a sore subject." I say.

" It's alright. You can tell me whenever you fell comfortable." Mum says. I nod my head. I walk out of the kitchen and upstairs to my room. I found Calum making small talk with Shawn on my bed. They both look at me when I walked in.

" First things first, we need to discuss your boyfriend Harry." Calum says. I walk to them sitting on my bed. I sit on my bed.

" He needs to calm himself. He's the only one I like. Why would I want to go for one of my friends?" I say.

" Yeah, Shawn and I were discussing that." Calum says.

" Discussing what?" I ask.

" We think you should beak up with him." Shawn says. I start shaking my head.

" No, I can't break up with him. I love him too much to break up with him." I say.

" You don't have to right now, but if he still gets jealous over Shawn, you're going to have to let him go. He can't get jealous over a friend." Calum says. I nod my head.

" That would be the best for your life." Shawn says trying to comfort me.

" Yeah, I know. Once he tells me and Shawn a good apology, I'll talk to him about it." I say. My door swings open and Adam runs in. He looks at the three of us.

" Where's Harry?" Adam asks.

" He isn't here." I say.

" Now why not?" Adam questions.

" Because he didn't want to come over." Calum says. Adam looks at Shawn.

" Is this your new boyfriend?" Adam asks.

" What, no. This is Shawn and he is just a friend. I'm still dating Harry." I say.

" Dating confuses me. I'm gonna stay single forever!" Adam says.

" Make sure it stays that way." I say. Adam nods his head and runs out of my room. I shake my head.

" Literally why do people think we're together? I honestly don't understand." Shawn says.

" Hold on, I got this answer. Addy is literally known as the goody-goody at our school. And people see you as a goody-goody since you're new and all so, look at that, two goody-goody's. Which I don't understand either because Addy is starting to lose her goody-goody reputation thanks to her dating Harry." Calum says.

" Do people really see me as a goody-goody?" Shawn asks. Calum and I nod our heads." Wow, that's embarrassing."

" You get used to it after a while." I say. Calum gasps out of nowhere. Shawn and I look at him weird.

" What was with that gasp?" Shawn asks.

" Addy, it's your birthday tomorrow!" Calum exclaims.

" So? I'm turning 17." I say.

" But it should be a big day. I have to go get you a present tonight!" Calum says. I calm Calum down.

" No you don't. It's cool. I would want to spend my birthday with the people I like in my life." I say. Calum shakes his head.

" I'm still making you wear a crown." Calum says. I sigh.

" If I wear a crown tomorrow, will you be happy?" I compromise.

" Extremely." Calum says. I roll my eyes.

" I swear Calum, you're the reason why I'm crazy." I say. Shawn starts laughing.

" You crazy? That's good." Shawn says trying to hold his laughs back. I send him a glare. He instantly stops laughing.

Someone's phone starts to vibrate. The three of us look at our phones. My phone didn't vibrate so I look back up. Shawn continues to look at his screen. He types away at his phone.

" Shawn, who are you texting?" Calum asks.

" It's my mom. I have to go home." Shawn says.

" Hold on. Are you like, American or something?" I ask finally noticing his accent.

" I'm actually Canadian." Shawn says. Calum and I narrow our eyes at him.

" We're done with you." We say at the same time. Shawn rolls his eyes.

" See you guys tomorrow." Shawn says and stands up from my bed.

" Bye Shawn!" We both exclaim. He waves and leaves my room. Calum turns to me.

" You know, I still see you with Ashton." Calum says.

" Oh my god Calum, give him a break. Ashton doesn't like saying words to me anymore." I say.

" Because that boyfriend of yours scared him away." Calum says. I roll my eyes.

" Honestly, you and Ashton would be the cute couple. You and Harry are the hot couple." Calum says.

" Oh my god, Calum, shut up." I say.

" Fine, but after you're done with Harry, I'm setting you up with Ashton." Calum says. I roll my eyes. Calum is such a pain in my butt.


Honestly, when this chapter isn't even a thousand words... That's when you know this is a short chapter.

Anyway, sorry I haven't updated in like a month. I guess my excuse is really, I'm just lazy tbh.

GUYS! It's been a while so I have a story to tell.

I'm a sophomore and I have this freshman who likes me and we've only known he each other for like two weeks and it's like, how do you even like me we've only known each other for two weeks. And he always tries to talk to me and I kinda get annoyed with it tbh.

Anyways, that was my story from the past month.

Thank you so much for reading! Please make sure you're voting!


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