Ch. 25- Jealous

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Harry's P.O.V

I started to walk to Addison's locker the next day. I walked into the hallway her locker is in to see her talking to Calum and that new kid Shawn. I balled my hands into fists. I then relaxed my hands. I can't get worked up over him. He hasn't done anything yet.

I walked up to my Addison. I wrap my arm around her shoulder. I kiss her cheek.

" Hey babe." I say.

" Hi Harry. I was just telling Shawn about what we have been learning in the classes we are in together." Addison says.

" Sweet. Nerd talk." I joke. Addison pushes my chest playfully.

" Shut up. It's not nerd talk." Addison says.

" I'm only joking." I say. Addison rolls her eyes. She looks at Calum.

" So, how has your band been doing recently?" Addison asks. Woah, Calum is in a band? I didn't know that.

" You sing? I sing too!" Shawn says. Damn, something else for Addison to like Shawn.

" That's so cool. I wish I can sing." Addison says.

" I bet you can sing. I can help you, if you want." Shawn says.

" You really can? That would be great!" Addison says. The first bell of the day rings. I look at Addison.

" Have a good day at school." Addison says. She pecks my lips.

" I will. I love you." I say.

" I love you too." Addison says. I let go of her. She closes her locker and she walks away from me with Shawn. Calum looks at me.

" Dude, you're in deep." Calum says.

" What do you mean by that?" I ask confused.

" You honestly love Addy so much. You can tell just by the way you look at her. And I think it's adorable." Calum says. He walks away from me. I stood there kind of confused. Calum is one weird kid.

I walk to my first period. I walk to my spot and sit down. I stared at my desk and thought about my Addison.


Finally the day ended. I can spend the rest of the day with my Addison. I start to walk to her locker.

I walked in the hallway where her locker is and see her and Shawn talking. I balled my hands into fists. This kid better lay off. I walk my way to the both of them. Addison smiles once she sees me.

" Hey Harry. How was your day at school?" Addison asks.

" Pretty boring because you weren't by my side at all times." I say. Addison connects her hand with mine.

" We're together now, so that's all that matters. Shawn, I'll talk to you later okay?" Addison says.

" Cool. See you later Addy." Shawn says. He walks away. I let a breath go that I didn't know I was holding in. I despise him so much.

" You need to stop being so mean. Shawn is a great kid." Addison says. We start walking towards the buses.

" I'm not being mean to him. I'm just scared that he'll take my Addison away from me." I say. We walk to my bus.

" So, someone's a little jealous." Addison says. We get to my bus and get on. We find an empty seat towards the back and sit down.

" Pssh, I'm not jealous." I say. Addison pokes my chest.

" Someone's telling a lie." Addison says. I roll my eyes. The bus starts up and leaves the school.

I look at Addison staring out of the window. How the light from the sun shines on her light brownish hair. It made her look more beautiful than she already is. I slip my hand through hers. She looks at me.

" I love you Addison." I say. She smiles. A light pink color shows up on her cheeks.

" I love you too Harry." Addison says. I raise our hands to my face. I kiss her hand and then lower our hands. Addison pecks my cheek. I pout my lip out at her. She lets out a giggle.

" What?" She asks.

" No lips?" I pout. She giggles and shakes her head.

" Wait till we get home Harry." Addison says.

" But Addison! I can't wait that long!" I complain.

" We'll be there any second." Addison says. And with that it was my stop. Addison and I get off of the bus. I connect our hands and we start walking toward my house. Addison looks up at me.

" Hey, we're almost there." Addison says. I smile.

" I'm excited." I say. She smiles. We reach my doorstep and I stop us from going inside.

" I can't wait any longer." I say. I cup her cheeks and bring my face close to hers. I softly place lips on hers. Addison smiles into the kiss. I hear the front door open and someone groan.

" Are you kidding me? Can't you wait until you have your own room?" Marcel complains. We both release from the kiss. We look at Marcel.

" I mean, we kind of did have some privacy before you came." I say.

" Don't sass me Harold." Marcel says.

" Where are you going Marcel?" Addison asks.

" I'm going to get Nathan." Marcel says. And with that, he walked away from us. I lead Addison inside. We walk to the kitchen and grabbed some food. We were about to go upstairs to my room when Cary stops us.

" No food upstairs." She says. I face her.

" Please? Just this one time." I say.

" No because Nathan will eventually think he can eat upstairs. No food upstairs." Cary says. I roll my eyes.

" Fine, we'll eat down here." I mumble. I go and sit at the kitchen table. Addison sits down next to me. I hear the front door open and bags were rustled. Nathan runs into the kitchen. His face lights up when he sees us. I roll my eyes.

" Addison, I didn't know you were going to be here!" Nathan exclaims. He runs to Addison and hugs her. She wraps her arms around him.

" Well, Harry and I wanted to spend some time together at his place, so look at where we are." Addison says.

" Can I play with you guys?" Nathan asks.

" No you can't." I say. Nathan looks at me with sad eyes.

" Why not Harry?" Nathan asks.

" Because I just want it to be me and Addison time. We don't need Nathan time." I say. Nathan frowns.

" You can hang out with us next time, okay Nathan?" Addison says. Nathan nods his head.

" Now go play with Marcel." I say.

" Oh, alright." Nathan says. He walks out of the kitchen. Addison shakes her head at me.

" What did I do?" I say offended.

" You're so mean to your brother." Addison says.

" He's technically my half brother." I say. Addison rolls her eyes.

" Just because he's your half brother doesn't mean you have to be mean to him." Addison says. I roll my eyes.

And we spent the rest of the day with each other. I truly love my Addison.


Yoooooooo, I never update this story. Whoops.

But hey, I'll update Monday because it's a three day weekend for me and I don't have homework so I have all day to update. So expect another update!! Thank you to Martin Luther King Jr. for cancelling school in the USA. Bless no school.

I won't update tomorrow on Sunday because I'm busy all day.

This story actually makes me happy and cringe at the same time. idk.

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