Ch. 33- Beggin' On Your Knees

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Addy's P.O.V

It was the Monday right after winter break that everyone went back to school. I bet the school days are going to be so much harder than they should be, which doesn't make any sense. I low-key just want the school year to end already.

Anyway, I got out of the car with Aidan once we reached school. Aidan turned to me as we got our backpacks out of the car.

" Hey, you gonna be okay today?" Aidan asks.

" Yeah, I'll be fine." I say.

" If you have any problems with that big dick today, come get me and I'll take care of it." Aidan says.

" Will do Aidan." I say. Together we walk inside the school. But once inside, we go our different ways. I walk to my locker to see a note with my name on it taped to my locker. I roll my eyes, knowing the note was from Harry.

I rip the note off my locker and open my locker up. I grab the things I need for first period. I heard someone walk up to me.

" Hi Addy! How was your winter break?" One Canadian voice says. I turn around to see Shawn standing there.

" It was good Shawn. Here, can you throw this out for me?" I ask handing Shawn the note that was taped to my locker.

" What is it?" Shawn asks walking to a nearby trash bin and throwing the stupid note out. He walks back to me.

" It was a note from Harry that I'm not going to even bother reading." I say.

" Oh, yeah, I heard about the break up. Sorry about him." Shawn says.

" Don't be. He was being a jerk. I am officially over him now. It took me almost a week or so to get over him, but I'm pretty sure I'm still over him." I say.

" I'm proud of you Addy." Shawn says.

" Thanks Shawn." I say. Shawn nods his head." So, what'd you do over break?"

" I flew to Canada to visit some family." Shawn says.

" That sounds nice." I say.

" It really wasn't. My whole family are assholes, which is funny because the Canadian stereotype is that all Canadians are nice. But that's definitely not my family for sure." Shawn says.

" Well, that sucks." I say. Shawn nods his head. I hear other people walk up to us. We look to see Calum, Ashton, and Michael standing at my locker now.

" Hi boys." I say.

" Addy, I'm so glad you're here at school today. You're such a trooper." Calum says. I look at him confused.

" What?"

" I'm glad you're over ugly ass long hair. You should be with Ashton now, who has much better hair and is much prettier." Calum says. Both Ashton and I hit his arms.

" Not the time." We both say at the same time. Calum rubs his arms from where Ashton and I hit him and shakes his head.

" You're both aggressive for each other." Calum mumbles under his breath. I roll my eyes.

" I'm doing fine, thinks for asking Calum." I say. The first bell of the day rings. We say our goodbyes. I walk with Shawn to our math class.

" Calum reminded me of something. Are you ready to see other people?" Shawn says.

" I think I am." I say.

" I don't know Addy. You don't go from dating someone for like, 4 or 5 months to not dating him anymore to I'm ready to mingle. People don't recover that fast. You might be over him, but you just can't see other people like that." Shawn says.

" Well, I recover that fast. I'm not like other people. I can see people if I want to." I say.

" Whatever." Shawn says rolling his eyes. Together we walk into our math class. I walk to my seat as Shawn does the same. Liam comes up to me. He squats down next to my desk.

" Hey, I'm sorry about your break up with ugly kid." Liam says.

" It's okay." I say.

" If you want, we can go out for ice cream or whatever you would like." Liam says. I smile.

" That sounds really great actually." I say.

" I'll pick you up at your house after school, cool?" Liam says.

" Yeah, that's cool." I say. Liam smiles. He stands up and walks back to his seat. The bell to start class rings. The stragglers walk in and Ms. White starts her math lesson.


I didn't want to go to art class. I'm going to hate it so much. Art used to be my go to, and now I don't even want to think about the class.

I walk into the art classroom and sit down in my correct seat because we just changed seats from last semester. I was staring at my notebook until I heard someone sit down next to me. I look up to see a familiar pair of green eyes and curly hair.

" Harry, please don't." I say.

" I just want to talk." Harry says.

" Well, I don't want to." I say.

" Please Addison. I'm begging." Harry says.

" Fine. What you did was wrong and I never want to see your stupid face again." I say turning away from him. I heard someone mumble that he was sitting in their seat and then him tell them to 'f' off. The bell to start class rings.

" Harry, please, just go." I say, feeling tears father in my eyes. Addy, you can't cry in front of him, you have to be the stronger one.

" Not until you accept me back. Addison, you don't understand that I need you." Harry says.

" Harry, get out of Zack's seat and go sit in your own." Mrs. Park says. Harry looks at me one last time before he stands up and walks back to his spot.

And with that, Mrs. Park started to teach what we were going to do next in the class. And I swear Harry was staring at me the whole time she was teaching.


Shit, I'm sorry this was a short chapter. I had no clue it was going to turn out this small.

Anyway, thanks for reading!! Please vote!!


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