Ch. 16- Operation Relationship Kept A Secret Is A Success, Maybe

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I woke up the next morning alone in my bed. Which was weird because I thought Harry was sleeping with me in my bed last night. That must have been a dream then. But last night felt so real laying next to him. It couldn't have been a dream.

Anyway, I get up from my bed and get ready for school. I don't want to go to school today. It's going to be really rough today.

But the good thing is, Harry will be there with me through the day. And that's all that matters to me.


I arrived to school in Aidan's car, per usual. Yeah I may not talk to him, but he still gets me to school and from school. We both got out of the car and grabbed our backpack's. Aidan started talking to me, but I ignored him. Like he always does with me.

I walked into school and walked to my locker. I opened my locker up. I grabbed my math things and placed them into my backpack.

" Addison Anderson!" Charlie yells from across the hall. She runs up to me. I look at her.

" What's up Charlie?" I ask.

" Why was your boyfriend so mean to me yesterday?" Charlie asks.

" First of all, he's not my boyfriend and probably never will be. Second of all, he was just in a bad mood yesterday because people piss him off." I say. Well, I lied about that first part, but I can't have anyone know about our relationship just yet.

" Then tell him to stop being mean." Charlie says.

" Whatever. Have you seen Calum yet?" I ask. Charlie shakes her head. I let out a sigh. Charlie sees someone down the hall.

" Hey, I gotta get going. Bye Addy." Charlie says. I wave my hand and she walks away. I stood there and looked for some extra things in my locker when I heard someone approach me.

" Hey beautiful." Someone's deep raspy voice says. I turn around. It was my Harry. I wrapped my arms around his neck. He laughs a little then pulls me away from him. I look at him sadly.

" What was that for?" I say sticking my bottom lip out.

" Remember? We can't have anyone know about," Harry pauses and looks around. He leans in close to my ear when he realizes no ones listening," Our relationship."

" Oh yeah. But I missed you so much." I say.

" Yeah, I know. Feelings are the same, but we can't have anyone know, not even our friends." Harry says.

" I know, I know." I say. The first bell of the day rings. Harry kisses my forehead.

" I'll see you later Addison." Harry says.

" Bye Harry." I say. Harry walks away. I close my locker and walk to my math room.


Lunch came by. Harry has a different lunch hour than I do, so I couldn't sit with him. And if I sat with him, things would get specious between the two of us. So I sat with Calum and his gang. And guess who else was there. Ashton. Once I sat down, Ashton stood up.

" I'm going to the library." Ashton says and leaves. Looks like things are still awkward between us. Calum, Michael, and Luke roll their eyes. Calum looks at me.

" I have a question for you." Calum says.

" I have an answer for you." I say.

" What's between you and Harry? The last time I checked, you liked him, and he liked you but you guys were still friends. Wait!" Calum says. I widened my eyes knowing what he's going to say next. I grab Calum's arm and pulled him out of the cafeteria. I pull him to a hallway where no one was in it. I make Calum face me.

" Addy, what was that for?" Calum asks.

" I know what you're going to say. I don't want you to say it around people. Now say what you were going to say." I say.

" I was gonna say you and Harry are dating. Addy, please don't tell me it's true." Calum says. I stay quiet. I don't know if I should tell him. He's my friend, I should tell him but Harry and I want it to stay a secret.

" Addy, it's true isn't it." Calum says. I slowly nod my head. Calum shakes his head.

" Calum, listen to me. We both really like each other and we wanted to try it out. We didn't want to tell anyone because do you really see a bad boy dating a good girl? No you don't. We'd get made fun of so much. Besides, you just know me so well that you just figured it out by yourself." I say.

" But why are you guys dating? You guys shouldn't be dating. It's not right." Calum says.

" There it is. Right there. That's why we didn't want to tell anyone because of that reason right there." I say mentioning towards Calum's previous statement.

" Sorry, I'll try not to say that stuff in front of your face." Calum says.

" That's better, I guess. But you can't tell anyone now." I say.

" Fine, I won't." Calum says. We started walking back toward the cafeteria.

" I don't understand how you know me so well." I say.

" You're very easy to read." Calum says.

" So that means other people can easily read me too." I say.

" Addy, I didn't mean it that way. It's just, I'm your best friend and I know a lot about you." Calum says.

" Yeah I get it." I say. We walk back to the cafeteria. We grab our lunch and throw it away. We walk back to the lunch table. Charlie looks at us.

" What was all that about?" Charlie asks.

" I had to go to my locker because I had to give him my calculator for his math test later today, so I needed Calum with me." I say. We were about to sit down again when the bell rings. We all walked our different ways. I started to walk towards my art class. I'm excited for this class because Harry is in it.

I walked into the art room and walked to my seat. I sat down and stared at the door. I need to see Harry. Harry finally walked into the room and I smiled at him. He smiled back at me. He walked over to me and sat down in his seat.

" Hi beautiful." Harry whispers.

" Hi Harry." I say.

" How has your day been so far?" Harry says placing his hand on my thigh.

" I've had people asking me about what's between us and it keeps getting so annoying. I can't deal with it anymore." I say. Harry looks me in the eyes.

" Addison, calm down. You're gonna be just fine." Harry says.

" Yeah, and someone already knows what's between us." I say. Harry gets this stern look on his face.

" Who'd you tell?" Harry says.

" I didn't tell them. He actually figured it out by himself." I say.

" It's Calum isn't it." Harry says. I nod my head. Harry shakes his head. The bell rings and the stragglers gather in. Another substitute walks in.

" Your teacher is not here once again. Just work on your projects were her instructions." The sub says. Harry and I look at each other. We already finished with our projects, so a talk day for us. Harry and I talked pretty much for the rest of the class period.


Bro, I suck at updating this story so much. I wish I was better at updating :///

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