Ch. 13- Many Ways

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Addy's P.O.V

I really didn't want to go to school on Monday. That's what I thought when I opened up my locker at school on Monday. I hope today goes better than Friday.

I put some things away in my locker when someone opened my locker up a little more.

" Let me guess. Did you dream about your beautiful Harry last night?" Calum mocks. I roll my eyes. I face Calum.

" I did not dream about him last night, matter of factly. So stop mocking me about it." I say.

" I still think you should date Ashton." Calum says.

" You're only saying that because he's in your band. By the way, how is he doing?" I say.

" He hasn't been the same. We haven't had a band rehearsal for a while because he's so out of it." Calum says. I felt myself get sad. I stick my bottom lip out.

" I made him all sad. I'm such an awful person." I say.

" Addy, it was for sure not your fault. I don't know the situation very well, but it's not your fault." Calum says. I nod my head. Harry walks up to us with a bag of cookies. He hands me the bag of cookies. I look up at him confused.

" What are these for?" I ask taking the bag of cookies.

" My step-mum made them and told me to give you some." Harry says nonchalantly. I stare at him. He swallows a lump in his throat. He was lying.

" Harry, tell me the truth." I say.

" I'm telling you the truth." Harry says.

" No you're not." I say.

" Yes I am." Harry says.

" Addy, he's probably telling the truth. Now let me have a cookie." Calum says grabbing a cookie out of the bag.

" Harry stop acting this way around other people." I say.

" What way?" Harry ask. Like he doesn't know.

" Harry stop playing stupid with me. You know what I'm talking about." I say. The bell for the start of the school day rings.

" I really don't know what you are talking about. See you in art class Addison." Harry says. He walks away from us. I place the bag of cookies in my locker. I shake my head.

" Oh calm down, Addy. It's not like he's dating another girl." Calum says.

" I know but you don't know the real side of him. I want people to know the real side of him. I bet his step-mum didn't make those cookies." I say. I grab my math things and close my locker. Calum and I start walking to our classes. Calum looks at the half-bitten cookie in his hand.

" Are you telling me that Harry made them?" Calum says. Calum spits out the cookie. I look at Calum.

" Why'd you do that for?" I ask.

" He could've poisoned them!" Calum exclaims. Calum threw the cookie in the nearest trash bin.

" It's reasons like that! Harry isn't a bad person!" I exclaim.

" I still don't trust him." Calum says. I roll my eyes as we go our opposites ways. I walk into Ms. White's room. Liam was already sitting at his spot. He waved at me. I really don't want to talk to Liam. I go and sit next to Liam.

" Hi Addy the goody-goody." Liam says.

" Hi Liam. How are you? I say.

" I'm doing good. I hung out with your brother yesterday." Liam says.

" Yeah and I hung out with my friend yesterday too." I say trying to give Liam the hint that I don't want to talk to him.

" Something tells me that you don't want to talk to me." Liam says.

" Why would I ever want to stop talking to you!" I say fakely. The starting bell rings. I turn away from Liam and roll my eyes.

" I saw that." Liam says. The stragglers walked in. Ms. White walks in after the stragglers. She starts teaching right away.


Finally, it was art class. I like art class because it's the only class that I get to talk to Harry. I walk in and there was another substitute. But it was a different one from Friday. Please tell me this one is nicer.

Harry walks in and smiles once he sees me. I return the smile. He walks to his seat and sits next to me.

" Another sub?" Harry asks. I nod my head. Harry rolls his eyes.

" Hey Harry, can we talk about our project? It's due this week and we don't have much done, so which house would you like to go to work on it?" I ask.

" We can't have it at my house because I have an annoying little half-brother and he might bug us the whole time." Harry says.

" Well, I have two annoying brothers that might bug us the whole time. So that doesn't work out either." I say.

" Well, you don't know my half-brother. He's such a little shit head and won't leave us alone because he's annoying." Harry says.

" At least you have one. I have two. My older one will annoy us the whole time and go all protective on me and the other one will just ask questions the whole time." I say.

" But I can deal with that. I can't deal with my little shit head of a half-brother." Harry says.

" Then I guess we'll go to my house. Meet me by my locker after school." I say.

" Will do." Harry says. The bell rings. The stragglers quickly walk in. The substitute stands up from the desk.

" Your teacher said that you guys get a work day today. So get started on whatever you're supposed to be doing." The substitute says. Harry and I look at each other. We both smirk. We'll pretty much talk the whole time and not get work done.

I pull the project out to look like we are working. We won't work on it though. I look at Harry again.

" Can you tell me who made those cookies that you gave me this morning?" I ask.

" I told you. It was my step-mum." Harry says. He was lying. And I could easily tell.

" Harry, stop lying. Your step-mum did not make those cookies." I say.

" Fine. I made those cookies. Is that better now that I told you?" Harry says.

" A lot better." I say. Harry rolls his eyes. The substitute comes and looks at our work. Which there wasn't much done.

" You haven't got much done! I would start working you two. When I come back before the hour ends, I expect more to be done." The sub says. She walks away to another table.

" Bitch, don't tell me what to do." Harry says. My mouth drops as I look at Harry.

" Harry, that's rude to say!" I say.

" Well, that bitch shouldn't tell us what to do." Harry says.

" But she's the substitute." I say.

" That doesn't give her any power to tell me what to do." Harry says.

" Maybe, we should work on the project so we have less to do at my house." I say. Harry lets out a laugh.

" You're funny Addison." Harry says. I roll my eyes. By the end of the hour, we didn't do much of anything. The substitute was gonna write us down for not doing anything.

We left the classroom after the bell rang. Only one more period till Harry comes to my house. That's gonna be interesting.


You guys are in for a treat for later chapters. Shit, will be going down later.

So, I published my Liam Payne story, so please go read that too! I think its kinda good but idk man. I think all my work is bad so there's that.

I would love you so very much!

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote and follow me if you want! I will follow back!


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