Ch. 3- Girl Talk

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Later that evening I was throwing a baseball back and forth with my younger brother Adam, who is 7 years old. I didn't have anything better to do since I didn't have homework for school that day.

I just couldn't get Harry's words out of my head. So, I needed something to distract me from his words. But throwing the baseball with Adam wasn't helping at all. As Adam threw the ball to me, he asked me a question.

" Addy, are you feeling alright?" Adam asks. I throw the ball back at him. He catches it.

" Yeah, I'm feeling alright." I say as Adam throws the ball at me. I catch it and throw it back.

" It doesn't look like you're alright. Are you sure?" Adam says. He throws the ball back at me. I catch it and sigh.

" Just, something weird happened today at school. But it's big kid stuff." I say throwing the ball back at him. Adam catches it and stomps his foot.

" I'm a big kid though!" Adam says.

" You're not big enough to understand. You have to be my age." I say. Adam stands there and pouts. Mum opens the door.

" Adam, Addy, dinner's ready." Mum says. Adam runs to the house, forgetting about the conversation we just had. I jog my way back into the house. I place my baseball mitt where the outside junk goes.

I walk my way to the kitchen. My family were already sitting around the kitchen table, waiting for me. I make my way to my spot at the table. I sit down in my chair.

As a family we say our prayers and then grab our food. I ate dinner that night in silence. That's what I usually do anyway. So, sitting in silence made think of Harry's stupid words in my head again. Besides, the only one who really talks at dinner is Adam. He's non stop about his day.

I finish my dinner and excused myself from the table. I place my plate in the sink and headed upstairs to my room. I walked into my room and went straight to my bed. I flopped down face first onto my bed.

Today has been quite the day for me, that's for sure.

I heard my phone ringing from my back pocket. I let out an upset moan. I pick my phone out of my back pocket. I sit up and sit on my bed. I click the answer button and pressed my phone to my right ear.

" Hello?" I answer.

" Why weren't you at lunch today? If you had lunch at another place during that time why didn't you grab me some!" It was only Charlie.

" I had to show the new boy around the school. And by the way, I need to talk to you about that." I say.

" You had to show Harry the bad boy around?! Omg what the heck happened?" Charlie says.

" I showed him his locker and a couple of his classes and I would ask if he had any questions, and he wouldn't talk to me. It was as if I was talking to a wall. I asked if he had any questions one last time and he still didn't answer me. I got angry with him and started to yell at him. Then he pushed me up against the wall and said I shouldn't yell at him. Then he said he didn't need my help and walked away making me alone in the hallway. Then I decided to leave school because I was excused from classes all day." I say. Charlie was quiet on the other end of the receiver. Then she spoke up.

" That's so scary! He can, like, hurt you or something!" Charlie says.

" I know, I know. It's completely crazy. I'm kinda scared a little myself." I say.

" Kinda? How can you be kinda scared? I would be extremely scared." Charlie says.

" I have no idea. Since we are on the topic of boys, have you had your date with Luke yet?" I say. Charlie giggles.

" I'm waiting for him now. He should be picking me up soon." Charlie says.

" He better kiss you. You know you want your first kiss already." I say.

" Sh! Someone can hear you! And plus, he probably doesn't kiss on the first date." Charlie says.

" Charles, I'm alone in my room. No one would be able to hear me anyway." I say.

" Whatever. I'm not taking any chances." Charlie says. In the background, I hear her doorbell ring.

" I gotta get going. That's probably Luke. Talk to you later?" Charlie says.

" I want to know everything about your date." I say.

" I'll tell you every detail. Bye Addy, I will miss you!" Charlie says.

" I will miss you too Charlie!" I say. She hung up. I threw my phone onto my bed. I laid back onto my bed.

I wish I had a guy like me. No guy likes me because everyone knows me as Addy the goody-goody. Even complete strangers know me as Addy the goody-goody. Sometimes being a "goody-goody" is tough stuff. Nobody likes the goody-goody's and I just want to be liked at least once in my life.

My bedroom door opens and closes. I sigh, without looking who was in my room. It was probably Aidan and I didn't want him in my room at the moment. I never liked when Aidan was in my room.

" Aidan, out of my room." I say.

" It's not Aidan." A tiny voice says. I lift my head up to see Adam in his batman pajamas looking at me. I was not really expecting Adam to be in my room.

" What's up buddy?" I ask sitting up. Adam walks his way to me.

" Mummy and daddy are yelling at Aidan again." Adam says. I sigh.

Aidan isn't looking for scholarships for university and my parents are trying to get him to look for them. And by trying, they yell at him. They, for some stupid reason, always yell in Aidan's room and he shares the room with Adam. It's always no wonder why Adam comes to me.

" You can sleep in my room for tonight, buddy." I say. Adam crawls his way to where my pillows are at.

" At least I have a nice sister." Adam says before falling asleep. Yeah, too nice of a sister.

I stand up and walk to my door. I walk down the hall to the bathroom. I hear Mum yelling at Aidan for something about university from downstairs, which is weird because they're never downstairs.

Hopefully I don't get yelled at next year. I'm too good to be yelled about university. I probably won't get yelled at, I know what I'm doing with my life.

I walk into the bathroom. I close the door and walk to the toilet. I do my business and wash my hands. I walk out of the bathroom to be pushed back inside the bathroom by Aidan.

" Out of my way idiot." Aidan mumbles, while giving me a dirty look. He storms to his room and slams the door shut, leaving a big bang! noise. Looks like someone pissed in his Cheerios this morning.

I walk out of the bathroom and back to my room. Adam's loud snores were filling my room. For being a 7 year old, his snores make him sound like an 80 year old.

I went to my dresser and grabbed my pajamas. I quickly threw them on before Adam woke up and sees me naked. I don't think either of us would want that.

I walked over to my bed and crawled underneath my covers. Right away, Adam wrapped his arms around me. I sighed. This is gonna be a long night.


I had so much creativity come to me today and it was honestly great. So yayyy.

Thank you for reading! Please comment and vote and follow me if you want! I will follow back!


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