Act 1: Hell and Back

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2nd POV


You advance forward, knowing that there's no turning back now. 

"Hello, private. What's your name?" 

"Y/N. Chong Y/N." You say as you shake his hand. 

"You have a firm grip, Private Y/N. I like it!" said the buff man in armor. "The name's Jong-Kook. But you will refer to me as Sergeant Kim, got it?" 

"Yes, Sergeant!" you say as you salute. 

"Alright, to recruit you, you must understand that you will go through hell and back throughout your training. If you want to chicken out, this is your last chance." 

"Yes, Sergeant!" 

"Good. So, to start, you will be sparring with Gizmo over here." Sergeant Kim gestures to a man about your height

"Hey there, kiddo. You want in? You gotta go through me." He smirks. "Here, I'll even let you have the first hit." 

You prepare your stance. The legionary way is to spread your legs wide to get as much balance as possible before launching an attack. You start by conjuring two fireballs and throw them towards Gizmo. 

Gizmo easily blocks them with a shield spell and conjures a moving wall to squish you. You jump out of the way and shoot some lightning his way, but he makes a mirror and fires it back at you. Unfortunately, this hits you square in the chest, knocking you to the ground.

"That all you got?" He mocks as you lay curled up on the floor. As he approaches, you surprise him with a flash spell, blinding him temporarily, before proceeding to finish him off with an electric blast spell. He falls flat on his ass, and goes unconscious.

You hear clapping in the distance. "Well done, Private. You fight really well for a recruit. That surprise attack was quite creative, I might add. Welcome to the Legion!" He brings out his hand and you shake it with utmost delight. The surrounding Legionaires give out applause as well, to celebrate a new recruit into their ranks. 

Come to think of it, you might just fit in well here.

2 years later

For 2 years, you have been under the training of Sergeant Kim, now General Kim himself. He taught you how to conjure many different things such as a fire beam, a lighting strike, and a sound pulse. Under his teaching, you became a very fast learner. Everything that he taught became routine in a matter of seconds. 

Soon enough, he allowed you to join a stakeout mission in the depths of the forest. He'd been receiving reports that there were Dynasts hiding out in the woods and it was the Legion's duty to wipe them all out. 

You immediately agreed and you were whisked away along with others for the mission. Unlike the others, General Kim trained you in cognitive function too. He taught you camouflage and sneaking tactics. You were basically a ninja. 

While the others looked around the forest on foot, You were hidden up in the trees, looking from a bird's eye view of the ground. 

3rd POV

Y/N leapt from tree to tree. He scouted out the area, but to no avail. The woods were indeed silent, too silent. 

Suddenly he heard shouting from afar. He quickly traveled back to his squad to find a man being held up by two soldiers. 

"Sir, we found this one trespassing, but we don't know if he's a Dynast or not." 

"Let me go! I'm just a simple farmer! Please!" The man struggled. 

Shadow (TWICE X M.Reader) (Won't be finished)Where stories live. Discover now