The Elder Trials Finale

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"Firebeam!!" Jihyo casts, testing out her newly improved magic. 

For protection, Y/N conjures a giant shield with Legionary magic. He firmly plants it into the ground and diverts the blast around him. However, Jihyo's powerful magic quickly overpowers and splits open Y/N's shield and sends him hurling into a tree.

"Oh my god! I'm so sorry! Did I hurt you too much??" Jihyo quickly runs over and checks on Y/N.

"Yeah. I'm good." Y/N groans as he takes Jihyo's hand and pulls himself up. 

"Don't worry, I'm sure you'll get yours too! Then we'll really fight!" Jihyo chuckled.

"I hope so too." Y/N gave a light chuckle too which soon faded.

"WE HEARD A LOUD BOOM AND A FLASH WHAT HAPPENED??" Dahyun and Sana stumble through the grass, to Jihyo and Y/N's surprise.

"I got ELDER MAGIC!!!" Jihyo shoots some apricot fireworks into the air for celebration.

"You did?" Tzuyu and Momo also climbed out of the bush, but Tzuyu was still entangled in branches. 

"What happened to you?" Y/N asked the robot.

"Being tall has it's pros and cons." Tzuyu shrugged as she pulled a leaf from her hair.

"What's going on?" 2yeon slide down from a tree, with Nayeon in Jeongyeon's arms. Mina and Chaeyoung could also be seen climbing out of the bushes behind them.

"I got my elder magic!!!" Jihyo shoots more fireworks in celebration as the girls huddle around her to get a taste of the action. 

Suddenly, Grandma Nayeon appears next to Y/N, shocking him. 

"What's going on? You're being too loud!!" She waves her cane around. 

"Jihyo just got her Elder magic."


"Well, she copied everything from my mind, and began to cast some Legion spells as she danced. Suddenly she started glowing with apricot magic and here we are now." Y/N explained.

"Anything prior to that?"

"Umm...she had some emotional baggage? But I don't see how that's relevant."

"Sometimes it's those kinds of things that are stopping us from reaching our full potential." Grandma Nayeon shed some wisdom. "By the way, tell them to quiet down. We don't want to attract too much attention here. Meet us back at camp."

"Will do." Y/N nodded and relayed the message as everyone returned to camp for the night. 


"Jeongyeon, wake up."

"Nayeonie...just let me hold you for a few more minutes...."

"Jeongyeon, wake up!"

"Huh? What's going on? Grandma Nayeon?"

"Shh...Don't wake her up. Follow me." Grandma Nayeon beckoned, raising Jeongyeon's curiosity to new heights. As she emerged from the tent, she followed the elder to a small pond out in the woods. 

"What's going on?" Jeongyeon asked the elder. 

"Jeongyeon...are you sure about this?" She questioned.

"What are you talking about?"

"Are you committed to her, to Nayeon?"

"Feels weird since you technically are her but old. What's wrong? What is this?" Jeongyeon looked around, thinking it was some kind of trap.

"No, no trap here, Jeongyeon. Although you loved a good one." Grandma Nayeon sat down at the lake and patted the seat next to her, beckoning Jeongyeon to sit next to her. 

"Jeongyeon, you wanna know why I brought you to this lake?" The legionary could only shake her head. 

"Jeongie. My Jeongyeon...she...wasn't the most faithful one." Grandma Nayeon sighed as she clutched her cane. "She cheated on me for Momo. I caught them in the shower, kissing."

"Are you saying that I'll do that too?"

"I'm not saying that." Grandma Nayeon sighed again. "I remember myself feeling heartbroken, betrayed. I thought it couldn't get any worse than that, but the day after that you disappeared without a trace."

"Disappeared? How?"

"You ran away. Left a note and everything. I woke up that morning to an empty bed and a letter. You said you felt guilty about cheating on me and ran away from the shame."

"What's your point?"

"Promise me this." Grandma Nayeon took her weak, frail hands and held Jeongyeon's smooth youthful hands. "Promise me, that when you and Nayeon face a problem, you will do it together. No matter what. Don't let one of you run away from the problem and leave the other hanging. Understood?"

Jeongyeon was taken aback. She looked into Grandma Nayeon's eyes and nodded firmly. 

"I promise to protect Nayeon, at all costs." Jeongyeon gave a firm answer.

"Good girl. Treat my Nayeon well. Or you'll regret it when she kills you." Grandma Nayeon chuckled. Jeongyeon let out a nervous one too, not knowing whether it was a joke or a threat.

"Just curious, where did your Jeongyeon go?" 

"She came back after a year, but after that it just wasn't the same. I didn't want to be her partner anymore."

"Then how did you all work together?"

"I became her fiancée." Grandma Nayeon showed off the ring on her finger, shining in the moonlight.

"Damn, your Jeongyeon has good taste."

"Thank you." Grandma Nayeon giggled. "Shall we go back?"

"Yeah." Jeongyeon helped the old woman up and they both trekked back to the camp.

Jeongyeon went back to the tent and laid down next to Nayeon, who let out small grunts of discomfort. But that all faded away when Jeongyeon spooned her from behind. Light snores emitted from her, making Jeongyeon sigh in happiness. 

"What did I do to deserve you?" Jeongyeon pecked her cheek as Nayeon's lips curled into a grin.


"Sir, we found them."

"Good. Do not engage. Return to base."

Shadow (TWICE X M.Reader) (Won't be finished)Where stories live. Discover now