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"Argh!" Bang Chan yelled out as he was punched in the face with a flaming hot hammer by none other than General Joon-Ho. The other Stray Kids along with the Strays could only watch in despair as their leader was tortured mercilessly.

As for the Octave, it needed to be evacuated because the flames and soot inside built up to the point that anyone would choke upon entry without a mask. So much for ventilation.

"Tell us where they went!" Joon-Ho commanded. He picked up Bang Chan's blood stained collar, only to be spit in the face.

"Coward." Bang Chan weakly taunted.

"We'll see who is the coward." Joon-Ho slammed Bang Chan's face to the ground, and his blood began leaking from his face in large amounts.

"You, the short one. Bring him here." Joon-Ho ordered his guards and they obliged, dragging Changbin by the chains.

Joon-Ho conjured a knife and pointed it at Changbin's throat. Another guard then peeled Bang Chan's face of the ground to look at them.

"Tell. Me. Where he went." Joon-Ho threatened. "Or I'll start sending them to heaven, one by one."

"NO! Not him!"

"Christopher," Changbin tried to stop Bang Chan. "Don't tell him anything!"

"No! I won't let you die like this!" Bang Chan struggled as much as he could, but he was too weak to fight the guard that held him back.

Suddenly, a shadow portal opened, and out stepped the one and only Shadow.

"Stop this at once." Shadow commanded. Joon-Ho, not wanting to defy Shadow's orders, reluctantly put Changbin back with the others.

"So this is the famous leader of the Stray kids....Christopher Bang Chan." Shadow taunted. "The last time we met, i asked you whether you wanted to join me."

"I'll never join you and your stupid cult! Not after what you did to my friends." Bang Chan spat in Shadow's face. "You can kill me, and kill everyone here, but you'll never know where they went."

Shadow chuckled, then burst out in mocking laughter. "You don't think I know where they went?"

"Look, I'm not here to linger around, and talk about your love life." Shadow crouched down to meet with Bang Chan's eyeline. "I need your expertise, and your technology." 

"I told you, I'll never join your cult."

"I wasn't asking." Shadow put both his hands onto Bang Chan's head, and held tight. Bang Chan yelled out in pain from the pressure he faced. He struggled, yanking his head left to right to try and loosen Shadow's grip on him.

But slowly, his vision began to fade, he stopped struggling......and the Shadow Mind overtook his body. 

"I serve Shadow, My one and only Master." Shadow Bang Chan chanted as he broke free of his chains and knelt down in front of Shadow.

"Well done." Shadow congratulated. The rest could only watch as their leader surrendered to Shadow of all people. 

"Bring the rest to me." He ordered the guards.

"NOO!!" "BANG CHAN!!" "GET OFF ME!!!" They struggled in vain.

 And soon the Stray Kids were no more.




"AAAAAAAAAAA!!!!" The group yelled as they fell out of the sky. Y/N landed on tree after tree after tree branch before coming into contact with the hard rocky ground.

Shadow (TWICE X M.Reader) (Won't be finished)Where stories live. Discover now