Break in, Break out

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"Y/N, no...."

"Y/N....wake up!!"


"Save us..."

Y/N jolted awake from the vision. He found himself on the ground, his face in a puddle. Rain poured heavily from the sky, masking the scent oh burnt wood and leaves around him.

He held the back of his head, still recovering from the bump. He sat up slowly and looked at his surroundings.

The entire camp had been burnt to the ground.

"Nayeon? Dahyun? Chaeng? Anyone?" He stood up and rushed to their last known location, only to find the two bodies of Lisa and Jisoo.

Y/N sighed at the mistake he made. "I shouldn't have left your side..." The weight of their deaths and the camp hovered over his conscience.

"Where, where could they be??" He rattled his brain, thinking of where they would end up if he didn't react quickly.

Before that, he buried Lisa and Jisoo near a beautiful and pristine waterfall, surrounded by flowers and a fantastic view.

Once he laid the last flower, he looked at the fading sunset. The yellow fade of the sky mixed beautifully with the shades of orange and red.

In the distance, there was smoke, rising from the forest. The campers were loud and rowdy.

"Legionaries..." Y/N muttered to himself. "I can interrogate them to find out where they are." 

"There once was a ship that put to sea
The name of the ship was the Billy of Tea
The winds blew up, her bow dipped down
Oh blow, my bully boys, blow (HA)!!"

"Soon may the Wellerman come
To bring us sugar and tea and rum
One day, when the tonguing is done
We'll take our leave and go!!"

The three legionaries sang their hearts out as they took another swig of their beer. 

"Hey, Johnny. Don't you think we should uhh...get back to our posts?" One legionary asked.

"Nah..Chill out, Jimmy.....I think Captain won't mind. Besides, Arnold already swept the forest for Dynasts right?" Johnny asked. 

"yeah, yeah. Not a single soul." Arnold smiled and finished his beer. "We got time."

"I don't think so, I really think we should get back to the posts." a fourth Legionary joined them. he wore ironclad armor and had a helmet masking his face.

"Man, I'm in charge here, and I say we stay." Johnny stood firmly, well...less than firmly. he was drunk off his ass and tipped over to one side before falling back into his seat. 

"Then could you at least tell me which way is camp?" The masked legionary asked. 

"You should know right? You lost your mind or something?" Arnold piped up. The other two burst into drunken laughter as well. 

The ridiculed man was not amused. He marched up to Johnny and lifted him off his seat by his collar. He slammed him against the tree, showing superiority over him. 

"Hey, hey, hey, what are you doing, mister?!" The other two became alarmed, but frankly Johnny was too drunk to care. 

"He's knocked out, you both are so drunk that you can't take me on." Y/N replied, taking off his mask. "So I suggest that you tell me where the legionary camp is, before I tear you apart limb from limb and mail you back to the Legion, in pieces." He threatened, flames forming on his shoulders. 

"Chill!! We'll tell you!!" Jimmy yelled, hoping to avoid a conflict. But Arnold became a nervous wreck and started casting fireballs in all directions. 

Y/N promptly moved over to him and knocked him out, then moving to Jimmy. 

"Speak. You have 5 seconds." Y/N commanded. "Go."

"East!! East of here, there is a base camp. That's the one we report to!" Jimmy cowered in fear over the looming figure. 

"Thank you for your time." Y/N said as he bowed slightly and started walking in that direction. Jimmy could still feel his heart wanting to jump out of his chest. He had never felt so close to death before. Y/N's threatening words pierced his conscience, and he knew he was gonna need therapy for the rest of his life. 

Inside a very cold and dark jail cell, Nayeon, Dahyun and Chaeng waited for their impending doom. Chaeng had fashioned a harmonica from the wood of the table, but she was no good at playing it. Still, it provided some entertainment for the hopeless Dynasts.

"Brr....unnie. I'm cold...." Dahyun shivered next to Nayeon.

"Me too..." Chaeng was curled in the corner.

"It's alright, I'm here. Come closer so we can share the warmth." Nayeon stretched out her hands and the other two prisoners cuddled into her warm embrace. They both curled up and leaned against Nayeon's shoulder.

"Get some rest, it may be the last one we ever have..." Nayeon advised as the two children soon fell asleep in her warmth.

Nayeon looked to the shining moon that was outside the only window to the cell. It was full and bright. The Dynasts always believed that a full moon would bring a good harvest.

Nayeon just hoped that it won't be the last full moon she will ever see.

Shortly after, she heard footsteps outside the door. They were quick and nimble, unlike a Legionary.

She tried her best not to wake up the sleeping angels while looking out the window to see who it was.

"Y/N!!" Nayeon whisper-shouted. "We're here!"

"Nayeon!" Y/N snuck over to their jail cell. "Thank goodness you are alive. Where's Dahyun and Chaeng?"

"They're here. Safe, but not for long."

"Well we need you out of there." Y/N said as he pulled something out of his pocket.

"What's that?"

"A lockpick. I can't exactly blow the door open. There are runes all around here." He explained.

Soon, the door swung open, waking DubChaeng, who were ecstatic to see Y/N.

"Alright, be quiet. I don't want to wake any of the sleeping guards." Y/N put a finger to his lips before tiptoeing with the others to the exit of the dungeon.

On the way out, NaDubChaeng stumbled upon quite a few Legionaries that were knocked out by Y/N.

"How sneaky are you?" Dahyun asked.

"Umm...I'd say I'm pretty sneaky."

"Are you drunk or stupid?" Chaeng followed up.

"Can't I be both?" Y/N smirked as he opened the door to the outside. Where they were met with the one individual Y/N didn't want to meet.

General Kim Jong Kook.

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