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"Are you lost or something? Get the hell off the property!" The blonde armored goddess threatened with her bow and arrow aimed to Y/N's head.

"Umm...Jihyo? Friend of yours?" Y/N said with his hands raised.

"What are you doing? You have one of the most powerful forms of energy in your hands and you are going to surrender?" The voice asked with confusion.

"It's called making peace, and i don't want to hurt anyone." Y/N whispered to the voice.

"Who are you all, and how do you know Jihyo?" The blonde nudged, wanting answers immediately.

The group looked at each other, unsure what to say.

"Tell me or I will obliterate all of you in an instant." She threatened, shooting her arrow at a nearby bush, reducing it to ashes.

"Woah, woah, chill blondie!" Chaeyoung tried to deescalate the situation but she felt a hand tap her shoulder.

"It's alright, Chaeyoung. I'll handle this." Jihyo piped up. "Tzuyu, security override, alpha passcode 21324."

"Security disarmed. Welcome back, Mistress Jihyo." The blonde put down her bow and the force field went down.

Everybody just looked at Jihyo, asking for answers.

"Guys, this is Tzuyu. My personal android, and the security system around here. She was originally programmed by me but recently gained sentient life. Even after that, she still wants to work for me." Jihyo introduced.

The group introduced themselves as well.

"I apologize for the misunderstanding. These days you never really know who comes through those doors." Tzuyu bowed a full 90 degrees. "Welcome to Sanctuary."

"Sanctuary?" Nayeon asked.

"Yes. This is Sanctuary. Herald Base number 389. It is where Heralds #37 and #38 reside. Their primary mission is to study Shadow energy in general."

"So...anything related to shadow energy?" Y/N asked.

"Yes. Anything that has to do with Shadow energy is my business thank you." Jihyo walked to the front of the group. "Tzuyu will show you to the spare rooms, there should be enough for everyone." She turned to the group, "All of us must be tired. We'll talk after you guys clean up."

Tzuyu nodded. "Right this way." She gestured to the elevator and it opened for them. They squeezed in and went to their separate rooms.

" is your room." Tzuyu opened the door at the end of the hall.

"Thanks." Y/N bowed slightly.

"No problem. Mistress Jihyo asks that you rest well. Tomorrow she wants to explore the secrets of your power."

"Ok. She just sends commands to you like that?"

"Yes. It gets annoying but that's what I'm designed to do."

"Then, why haven't you gone out of here? Go see the world? Now that you have sentient life."

"A freed slave will wander the earth, feeling even more lost than he was in captivity."

"So, you have nowhere to go even if you are free?"

"I don't have a purpose in life. I'm just an android. And I won't lie, i feel a connection to this place. A special one."

"This place, or something in this place?" Y/N asked.

"That's for me to know and for you to find out." Tzuyu smirked, closing the door behind her.

Y/N sighs and strips off his heavy armor and takes a long awaited bath in the shower. He felt old trying to configure the shower head but he eventually got it.

Drying his hair, he sat on the bed and noticed a panel laid on his nightstand.

He picked it up and read the screen.


"Shadow wants to invade the far lands? That's impossible." Y/N muttered to himself. He knew that Shadow would devastate Arcadia if he conquered it all.

He put the screen back down and sat on the warm floor. Crossing his legs, he started meditating to calm his mind. He closed his eyes and sunk into his happy place.

"Are you there?" He called out.

"I am." The voice responded.

"Who are you?" Y/N asked.

"I am the Shadow Mind. I control all the Shadow energy that exists in the universe."

A figure formed in front of Y/N.

"Nice to finally pair a disembodied voice to a face, or what's left of one

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"Nice to finally pair a disembodied voice to a face, or what's left of one." Y/N joked.

"I do not have a face, but i can take many forms. This just feels the most.....menacing."

"Well it's working." Y/N chuckled. "Why are my head?"

"I sense power in you, Y/N. One that can define the borders of good and evil. I trust that you will find the truth soon."

"What do you mean truth?"

"You'll find out. I suggest you meet with Dr Park first. Rest, I can feel your mind tremble with questions, waiting to be answered."

"Why me?"

"Why not you? You are one of the only mortals able to control me." Shadow Mind explained as it faded away, terminating the connection.

Y/N sighed and arose from his position. It was his nature to ask questions whether they be good or bad. He slowly climbed into the comfortable bed and soon fell into a deep sleep.

Shadow (TWICE X M.Reader) (Won't be finished)Where stories live. Discover now