Act 2: Welcome to the Stray Lands!

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"How long more, Unnie??" Dahyun yelled out from behind.

"We just need to get past the burnt forest and the Stray lands before we reach the Heralds base." Nayeon answered while looking at the map.

"The Stray lands? What's with the name?" Chaeng asked.

"Looks like we are about to find out." Y/N replied as they reached a cliff overlooking the Stray lands.

The lands were brown in color, almost barren. It looked like a toxic wasteland from a zombie movie. There were a few dead trees barely standing, with vulture nests resting on them.

 There were a few dead trees barely standing, with vulture nests resting on them

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Everyone gulped. It was indeed a sight to see.

"Legend says the Stray lands was once a small new clan, built on the outskirts of the other three clans. They were going to be simple villagers and promised not to interfere with the three clans." Nayeon explained.

"Then what happened?" Dahyun and Chaeng sat down like it was storytime.

"After Shadow got his powers, he wanted to test them out before taking the big guns. So he chose smaller clans to destroy. This was his first." Y/N gestured to the barren wasteland the Shadow had caused.

"Where did the survivors go?" Chaeng wanted to continue the story.

"They went underground. They dug out an elaborate cave system like ants do. They call themselves the strays, hence the name. They can hear and see everything thanks to the vibrations they feel from living underground. They use that to hunt food too." Nayeon took a breath. "Athough the surface is called the Stray Lands, their base underground is called the Octave."

"If you accidentally wander onto the Stray Lands, the Strays will literally dig out of the ground and try to pull you into the Octave, where they'll most likely eat or torture you. It'll feel like drowning." Y/N concluded.

"How do you know how it feels like?" Nayeon asked.

"It's part of the escape training in the Legion. They throw you in, you have half an hour to get out."

"Sounds fun! Let's go!" Dahyun stood up and started marching along happily.

"WAIT, NO!!" Y/N and Nayeon yelled to stop Dahyun but it was too late. She stomped right onto the Strays' territory. Almost immediately, The group heard the pats of legs, groping against the soil underneath them. The whole world stood still, before a hand suddenly burst out of the dirt and latched onto Dahyun's ankle.

"AAHH!!" Dahyun screamed in terror as more hands started to reach out of the ground. Nayeon and Chaeng immediately went to free Dahyun's leg, while Y/N cast a shield to fend off the other groping hands.

More and more hands began to creep out of the ground, and soon people followed.

"Nayeon! We need that leg free now!!" Y/N yelled out, knowing the shield can't last much longer.

"I'm trying!! It's a tight grip!" Suddenly, the hand pulled with one strong force, and Dahyun was dragged inside, screaming and kicking along the way.

"Dahyun's gone!!" Nayeon shouted.

"Well, there's no point staying up here now, is there?" Y/N joked as the shield broke, and the group soon followed Dahyun into the depths of the Octave.


"Run it again!"

"Your emotional and mental levels are spiking, sir. Any higher and I'll have to contact special care."

"It's....okay. I'm fine. Just inhale, exhale."

"Great work, Master Shadow."

"Thanks, Ecto. I'll call you when I need you. Leave me be. I must speak with the Shadow Mind."

"My pleasure." The AI said as he faded into nothing.

Shadow stood in the center of his palace, sensing the peace around him. He closed his eyes, hoping to make contact with the beast inside his mind.

 He closed his eyes, hoping to make contact with the beast inside his mind

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"You called?" The Shadow Mind greeted.

"Yes. You said the pills would greatly strengthen the Legion. But is it taking away my powers too?" Shadow asked the Mind.

"Ridiculous. I am the creator of shadow energy. All of it flows in me, and i delegate it to the individuals who take the pill. It doesn't affect you in any way, for you are my master." The Mind spoke. "You get the priority. Everybody who takes the pill only has a fraction of the power that i give you."

"Is there any other that can challenge my power?"


"You know what happens when you lie to me."

"I am not. There is no one, at least not yet. I chose you to lay waste and destruction to the land that trapped me in that sphere. So far, all you've done is sit there idly waiting for the next time to strike!"

"Careful with what you say, Shadow Mind."

"The power i giveth, i can take away. Choose wisely, Shadow. Goodbye."

Shadow opened his eyes once more. The Shadow Mind had ceased connection.

"Ecto! Contact Joon-Ho!" He demanded.

"What shall I tell him, master?" Ecto obediently replied.

"Prepare to invade the Stray Lands."

A light suddenly turned on, shining right into Y/N's face, waking him up.

"Gosh!" He cursed as he tried to put his hands to cover his eyes, and realized they were tied to the chair behind him.

He let his eyes adjust for a minute, and found that the walls were held up by stone and dirt, and the floor was tiled with wood.

He looked to his sides, and found Nayeon, Dahyun and Chaeyoungs tied up as well, still unconscious.

"Hey, Nayeon. Nayeon!" Y/N tried to wake her up, but to no avail.

"I'm afraid they can't hear you." A voice came out from the darkness. Y/N tried to look around for the source, but the figure was well hidden.

"Hey, the name's Bang Chan." The figure spoke, introducing himself.

"We are the Strays and Welcome to the Octave!" He greeted with open arms.

Shadow (TWICE X M.Reader) (Won't be finished)Where stories live. Discover now