You were a son to me!

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"Chong Y/N. Great to see you....AGAIN." General Kim said menacingly, arms crossed and eyes red with anger.

"Who is the big dude??" Dahyun gave a quick whisper to Chaeng.

"Beats me." Chaeng replied, giving a shrug.

"He's General Kim. My ex-mentor." Y/N introduced him.

"That's right. I taught him everything he knows." He sneered. "Let them go....We can settle this alone. Don't involve them." Y/N held his hand out and ushered the trio behind him.

"Its ridiculous, that you would give up your feeble life, for a bunch of Dynasts." General Kim mocked. "This isn't the way I taught you. I taught you to be ruthless, never show compassion, and always outsmart your enemy!"

"Yeah? Well fuck that way, and fuck you too." Y/N said in an act of rebellion.

"Chong Y/N! You watch your mouth when you are around me!"

"I don't belong to you anymore, General. Wasn't I declared an enemy of the Legion?"

"You are right. That's why you aren't going anywhere." General Kim sighed and got into his battle stance.

"Girls, get out of here. I'll take him."

"No! We are staying!" Nayeon stood firm.

"That wasn't a request." Y/N said as he summoned a portal underneath the trio and they fell through.

"Umph, Umph, Umph!" The three girls landed on top of each other, back in the burnt down camp.

"Pabo!" Nayeon cursed, stomping the ground in anger.

"Don't worry, Nayeon. he can take care of himself." Dahyun comforted.

"Yeah, we need to buck down for the night. When Y/N's finished, he'll probably come look for us here."

"Just like old sparring matches, eh?" Y/N taunted the general.

"You couldn't beat me then, you can't beat me now."

"Do I get bonus points if I act like I care?" Y/N sarcastically remarked.

"You and your fat mouth." He sneered and cast a bind spell to shut Y/N up. Y/N quickly sidestepped and changed the floor to ice, hoping that the heavy armor General Kim was wearing would make him slip.

It didn't even faze him. General Kim teleported behind Y/N and slammed him to the ground, cracking the ice beneath. Y/N recovered quickly and used the arrows from a nearby weapon barrel to shoot at General Kim.

General Kim summoned a shield and the arrows snapped upon impact.

"Smart move, Y/N. But you are being too soft." He declared. He unleashed a sonic pulse, disorientating Y/N, before holding him by his shoulders and giving him a strong headbutt. Y/N tried to resist and return the headbutt, but General Kim gave an even more painful headbutt.

Y/N, barely clinging on to consciousness, swipes at his feet, promptly giving a knuckle sandwich followed with a drop kick.

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