Round 2, bitches

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Tzuyu knelt at Y/N's side, disgusted at his open stomach. She would throw up, but she's a robot.

"Wait." Y/N put his hand out to stop Tzuyu from doing anything.

"Y/N, you are dying. I need to bandage you up now, or you'll be gone in 5 minutes." Tzuyu shook Y/N's hand off.

"No, wait." Y/N put his hand out again. He covered his open stomach and his hand began to glow blue.

"Stay still." The Shadow Mind spoke to Y/N. "I'm patching you up. Remember, do not rely on your own power to fight the other Legionaries. Use mine."

"Very helpful advice, Shadow Mind. You could have told me sooner." Y/N sarcastically spoke.

"I'm busy distracting Shadow. I bought you guys some time. The sphere is weakening, and your best fighters are lucky to walk away alive." Shadow Mind evaluated the situation. "Hurry."

"I will."

Out of the corner of Tzuyu's eye, something suddenly leaped out of the tree and charged at Chaeyoung, Dahyun and Nayeon, all helpless to defend themselves.

The three Dynasts screamed in fear and shut their eyes, waiting for the end.

But it never came.

When they opened their eyes, Tzuyu was there standing heroically, blocking Momo's katana with her robot arm.

"You guys okay?" Tzuyu asked and the three and they could only nod. "Well get out of here!" Tzuyu turned back to Momo, whose eyes were flaming with anger.

"You are but a robot! Why do you help these imbeciles who are lower than you?" Momo questioned. "You could save the world, do calculations at the speed of light! And you choose to trust this primitive race?"

Tzuyu nodded. "They may be flawed, but they have their strengths and weaknesses."

"Then you shall die with them!!" Momo pushed Tzuyu aside and tried to stab her, but Tzuyu calculated it perfectly and countered with a strike to Momo's weak spot, her throat.

Tzuyu used her strength to push Momo back, and punched her to the ground. Momo got back up and slashed upwards, breaking her block and exposing Tzuyu's torso.

Tzuyu noticed this and spun around to evade Momo's attack, but Momo is smart and slashed sideways after, slicing open Tzuyu's back.

Momo continued with a punch to Tzuyu's jaw, effectively dislocating it from her skull.

"Eww..." Momo cringed. "Sorry not sorry." She jumped into Tzuyu's back and began using her fists to bash her head in.

"Die, die, die, DIE!!" Momo yelled as she continued to attack Tzuyu's head. Tzuyu struggled all she could, but was not able to see anything, from the constant bashing.

Tzuyu grabbed Momo's legs and slammed her down into the ground. Tzuyu quickly pinned her down and began attacking her face, striking left and right, until she saw blood gush out of Momo's nose.

Tzuyu quickly swapped her fist for the anti-antivirus plasma gun. She aimed it directly at Momo's head.

"Hold still...." Tzuyu powered up the plasma gun, until her hand was sliced off by a sword flying at impossible speeds.

Shadow (TWICE X M.Reader) (Won't be finished)Where stories live. Discover now