Tofu sounds delicious

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That morning, everyone reentered the hanok safe and sound. Feeling exhausted, everybody immediately went to their rooms and enjoyed a good shower.

Just before Grandma Nayeon went to her room, Y/N pulled her aside for a quick chat.

"Nayeon, I've been thinking for quite a bit." Y/N scratched his head.

"Well that can't be good."

"What's not good?"

"You're thinking."

"Ha ha, very funny. I'm serious here, grandma. There were only 9 elders that ruled Arcadia, 9 in that photo. Am I the odd one out?" Y/N asked with a concerned face.

"Hmm... I-I don't know how to tell you this, Y/N."

"Just spit it out. I'm not supposed to be an elder, right?"

"No. I'm afraid not, Y/N." Grandma Nayeon shook her head. "I'm sorry, Y/N. We never had a 10th elder during our reign. Or at least I wasn't aware that we could elect new ones"

"But then, what was the thing where you fight and win a spot in the elders?"

"That was as a replacement. You defeat all, you get to choose who to kick off and replace them. So there has always been 9. But there will come a time where all 9 are too powerful and grow too old, only then are the next generation voted in. That's where we were when we took that photo."

"So Shadow would have replaced one of you?"

"Yes, if he won. But he did so by force, using forbidden magic."

"Maybe that's it."

"What's it?"

"Were you guys the first elders to take a picture?"

"Yeah, the technology wasn't invented until we took over, so we wanted to remember the event."

"Do you remember who took the picture?"

"The cameraman? I think his name was...i don't remember, but he had this weird obsession with whispering his initials."

"Do you remember them?"

"No. My memory is too faded. But I think there's an archive located somewhere in the city where they keep all the records of people who worked for us. You can probably check it out when you got time."

"Cool. Have a good rest, Grandma."

"You too, Y/N."

After a quick lunch, the group had some time off. Y/N heard a knock on his door.

"Dahyun? I thought you were with Sana and Momo?"

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"Dahyun? I thought you were with Sana and Momo?"

"I-I just wanted to check on you. What are you doing?"

"Umm...I'm looking through some of Grandma Nayeon's scraps. I like to tinker with stuff."

"Did you ask her?"

Shadow (TWICE X M.Reader) (Won't be finished)Where stories live. Discover now