Train of Thought

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The train door opened with a woosh, only darkness loomed before it. Momo gave Y/N a slight nod before summoning a ball of light.

However, the light never came out. 

"Y/N, can you summon a light?" She asked. 

Y/N waved his hand, but could not conjure anything. He tried using Dynast magic, yet nothing showed. Instinctively, his hand reached to his waist, and grabbed the wand Jihyo gave him earlier. He waved it slowly, drawing the magic symbol for light before using his hand to push it forward, but the symbol's bright light dissipated and faded into darkness. 

"That's not good. Something is blocking magic here." Y/N hypothesized. 

"Can you use Shadow energy?" 

"Shadow energy brings darkness to areas. In case you haven't noticed, we are already in the dark!"

"Right, umm...You got a lighter?"

Y/N felt his pockets. He didn't have one. 

"Maybe there's a light switch around here..." Momo felt around the walls and found a small bulge in the wall. "This must be it!" She cheered and pulled the switch. 

Slowly, the flickering lights came on. Y/N could see that they were surrounded by many boxes draped in cloth. He turned to Momo, who was praising herself for her discovery. 

But something felt off...

Suddenly, the lights began flickering and a white smoke began to emit. Y/N followed the trail to the draped cargo in the middle of the room. Almost as if the light were being forced from the bulb and diffusing into the boxes. 

"uhh, Y/N, is that supposed to be doing that?" Momo pointed to the boxes, which were glowing a slight cyan blue.

With caution, Y/N lifted the cloth and looked underneath, and the glow of thousands of shadow pills shined throughout the cabin. 

"Shit, Momo! Turn the light off, NOW!!" He ordered. Momo sprinted to the light and shut the switch, letting the darkness fill the room once more. 

"What's wrong?" Momo asked, curious as to why Y/N issued the order. 

"Depowered shadow pills, not meant to be in light. Mina told me about them back in the compound. They get their power by absorbing photons in light. But if exposed for too long, they can explode. With them stacked together like this, you can basically level a city just by leaving it in broad daylight."

"Why keep something so volatile here?" Momo raised the question.

"Not only that, but these were prototypes that were made before the much more stable one came into production. But the original plans burned in the herald base, how are these here?" Y/N scratched his head when he heard footsteps on the other side of the door. 

"Quick, Y/N! Hide!!" Momo grabbed Y/N and pulled him behind a crate just as they heard the door slide open. 

This was the last chapter that was left in my drafts once I decided it was time for me to step away from writing. Life got the better of me and I grew up. I realized that you all deserve this last part of the draft so here it is! Thank you all for the support you have given this book and to me as a writer. I appreciate all of you very very much, and I hope that one day, if you do meet me in person, that you come up to me and say hello! If you want to know what I'm doing these days, go check my Instagram @Mashimuno or join my twitch livestreams! See you all there!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2023 ⏰

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