Chapter 2 - Embarrassing Myself

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I stood outside the Seattle police station and looked up at the tall, dark building against the grey, cloudy sky and felt very intimidated. I had never been here before because I had never had a reason to and I wished it had stayed that way. I hesitantly walked through the heavy, glass entrance door that had 'Seattle Police Department' etched on it and into a bustling room, that had people everywhere and a lot of noise from loud talking and phones ringing.

We had called ahead and let them know we were coming so I walked up to the front desk receptionist who was a middle aged woman, with broad shoulders, short curly black hair and a deep voice. I nervously looked around before saying, "Hi, I'm Elodie Masterson. I'm supposed to meet a man here named Wade Daniels so we can file a police report."

"Yeah," she said, talking with her mouth full of a bite she had just taken from a greasy cheeseburger. "Knox said he was expecting you," she said, wiping her mouth off with the back of her hand. "Go down that hall and into the third door on the right," she told me, answering the phone with a "Yeah?" before I had a chance to ask any more questions.

I walked down the long hall in the direction the woman had pointed and knocked on the third door.

"Come on in," a deep voice called out.

I slowly opened the door and saw that the room was completely bare except for a long, narrow metal table with a few metal chairs around it and what I could tell was a long two-way mirror along one wall. Two men were seated at the table, with one wearing a police uniform. The one in uniform stood up and walked over, holding out his hand to me with a bright white smile.

"Knox Hendrix," he said in a deep, confident voice, making eye contact and when his hand touched mine my breath caught in my throat. I didn't have much experience with guys and being around one that looked like this made me really nervous.

He was drop dead gorgeous and when I looked into his eyes it made me forget how to talk for a second. I stood there with my eyes open wide, shaking his hand in a trance. This man was the hottest police officer I had ever seen. He looked like he should've been a model instead.

"Ummm. Elodie Masterson," I finally struggled to get out, still shaking his hand and staring into his eyes.

He looked like he was in his mid-twenties and about 6'2 with short, dark brown hair and blue eyes. He had a strong square jaw line that was covered with a little bit of stubble and it was obvious that he worked out because of his strong arm muscles that were showing in his short sleeve uniform shirt. I caught myself picturing what he must look like without that shirt on and my face flushed, finally letting go of his hand and rubbing the back of my neck as I looked down at the ground.

 I caught myself picturing what he must look like without that shirt on and my face flushed, finally letting go of his hand and rubbing the back of my neck as I looked down at the ground

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"I'm the lead detective in the cyber crimes division," he told me. "And this is Wade Daniels. I believe you two talked earlier."

The other man stood up and walked over to us. He was about 5'11, in his mid forties, a little on the chubby side and he had unkempt brown hair. He was dressed in a pair of baggy brown khakis with a brown belt and a tight blue polo shirt buttoned all the way to the very top. He reached out and shook my hand without making eye contact for a couple seconds. Then he finally looked up and when our eyes met he looked away quickly.

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