Chapter 20 - Making Progress

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When I got back to my office I decided to have lunch delivered in because I didn't have time to leave. I wanted to start doing some research of my own on the five companies because I didn't want to just sit back and let Knox do all the work. If I was going to pull this off, it was going to take both of us.

I searched each company to see how they compared with their competitors in a Google search, looked over their websites and their social media accounts. I was really surprised when I clicked on the Facebook page of the manufacturing plant I would be working with and saw that the owner was the same man I had danced with at the police gala. 

I thought back to our conversation and remembered that he said his company was doing so well he wanted to expand and start another factory in a different location. He was also bragging about being one of the biggest donors to the Police department and about how he knew a lot of famous people. Hopefully the fact that he already knew me would play in my favor. I was really glad I had been nice to him and chose not to call him out for trying to bait me with his wealth even though I had been tempted to. 

I spent hours researching each company and before I knew it, it was dark outside and I realized I had been sitting at my desk all day. I heard a knock and looked up to see Blakely standing in my open door. 

"Hey. I just wanted to pop in and see how today went?" she asked with a smile.

"It actually went really well. I'm making a lot of progress," I smiled, letting out an exhale and sitting back in my chair.

"Oh yeah? Tell me about it," she said, taking a seat in front of my desk. 

"Well, I got my next three weeks scheduled out. For week one I'm going to visit each of the businesses in person and interview the owners face to face to get to know them better. Week two I'll spend writing up the proposals. Week three they'll be coming here to the office to hear my presentation and make their decision. I've already gotten all of this scheduled and locked in on their calendars."

"Sounds like you've been really busy," Blakely said, looking impressed. 

"I also started doing some research on each of the companies. You know, it's crazy but I actually already know one of the business owners. I danced with him at the police gala and we talked for a while, so I've already kind of got a foot in the door there." 

"Nice," she said with a smile. 

"I also wanted to let you know that I'm really good friends with the police detective that heads up the cyber crimes unit for the Seattle PD and he offered to help me research the companies. I hope that's okay."    

Blakely nodded. "Yeah. Of course. You know, an important part of this job is being able to build connections and centers of influence and it sounds like you've already got some. I've got to say, I'm really impressed with what I'm seeing so far."

"Thank you. I'm trying," I said, taking a deep breath in and letting it out, looking down at my hands. I hesitated before saying, "You know, I ummm. I heard some women talking about me in the bathroom earlier. I was in the stall and they didn't know I was there. They were saying I must've slept with someone to get this position because it was obvious I didn't deserve it. I just wanted to know," I said, raising my head and looking at her. "Why did you give me a chance? I'm fresh out of college with no experience. I don't exactly fit in around here." 

Blakely looked across the desk at me and a smile slowly formed on her face as she sat back in the chair. "I don't think I've told you this, but I was actually your age when I started here. I was smart, driven, hungry and desperate to prove myself. When you came in for your interview, it was like I was seeing myself when I was starting out almost twenty years ago now. Everyone underestimated me too, but not for long," she said with a smirk. "You know a man can close a sale. A pretty woman can close five, but a smart, cunning, beautiful woman like yourself, can close ten. That's what I did and I know you have the power to do the same. I have no doubt," she said before standing up and heading out the door. 

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