Chapter 47 - Noah

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***** Juni's Point of View *****

"I think my water just broke," I told Elodie, looking down at the wet spot on the bed and suddenly feeling panicked. This was it. I was really about to give birth. Suddenly all those birthing videos of women screaming in agonizing pain went through my mind and I felt nauseous.

"I don't think I can do this," I said, feeling paralyzed with fear.

Elodie laughed. "Well it's a little too late for that. This baby's coming whether you're ready or not."

After seeing how scared I looked, she added, "You're going to be just fine Juni. You can do this. I promise," giving me a sympathetic look and then a hug.

I was so thankful she was here with me, but being in a moment like this made me miss my Mom so much and I wished more than anything in the world that she was here for this, to give me strength. When she was around I had always felt like I could do anything.

Knox walked in with a case of bed head, rubbing his eyes.

"What's going on?" he asked, with a yawn.

"The baby's coming," Elodie told him and his eyes widened.

"Which one?" he asked, looking between us. "You're gonna have to be more specific."

"Mine," I told him, seeing his eyes lock onto mine. I could see worry in them. I was worried too, so I knew how he felt.

"Let me get cleaned up real quick and then we can go. There's no way I'm walking around with amniotic fluid all over me. Plus the doctor said I could be in labor for hours since it's my first baby."

I went to the bathroom and showered really quick and then changed into clean, comfortable clothes before grabbing the hospital bag out of the closet I had packed a couple weeks ago. By the time I got downstairs Knox, Elodie and Tyler were all waiting for me by the front door, pacing and ready to go.

"I'm driving. We're taking the police cruiser so I can turn on the siren and lights and get us there faster," Knox said, grabbing the bag from my hand and ushering us all outside impatiently.

I looked over and noticed Tyler looked really worried too. He grabbed onto my arm and helped me walk out to the car, as if he thought I was a fragile china doll that could break at any minute. I actually thought it was pretty funny, but also kind of sweet.

With the police lights and sirens on, Knox drove across town like a mad man, getting yelled at by both me and Elodie to slow down. Tyler didn't seem to mind how fast he was driving. He was too distracted holding my hand and asking how much pain I was in.

It wasn't too painful yet. It just felt like your run-of-the-mill cramps. We were at the hospital in no time and Knox pulled up to the emergency entrance, running in to get a wheelchair while Tyler helped me out of the car.

After I got all checked in, they said only one person could go back with me, so I chose Tyler while Elodie and Knox went to the waiting room. I was taken to a room in the maternity ward where the doctor and nurse came to see me and he checked my dilation.

"Like I told you before, the first baby can take several hours of labor. You still have a long road ahead. I'll come back and check on you later," the doctor told us, before leaving.

"Is there anything we can do to speed it up?" I asked the nurse that was taking my vitals.

"Well, there's a medicine we can give called Pitocin, but it makes labor more painful, so what I suggest doing is some light exercise. Walk around the hospital. Take one of our wheelchairs and put your boyfriend in it and push him around."

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