Chapter 27 - Being a Rockstar

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****** Four Days Later *****

My final presentation was with Frank Johnson, the restaurant owner who was an old friend of Knox's dad. Knox had given me several useful tips for him; things at his restaurant had slowed down recently, he didn't like people wasting his time, and that he's a numbers guys so I should focus on how my plan would bring in more traffic and make him more money.

"So after I visited three of your restaurants last week, I can tell you that the food and the atmosphere inside is amazing. I know that business has slowed down recently and I did some research to find out why that could be happening. For the two on the East side of Seattle, the road construction cuts off the exit where people would normally see your billboard and exit to get there. What I suggest doing is moving that billboard an exit back until the construction is over in a few months. Also the outsides of the buildings don't really grab your attention from the street and there's no unity between the different restaurants. So here's what I was thinking," I told him, pulling out a computer drawing of the outside of one of the restaurants.

"I think you should do some cheap upgrades to the outside of the buildings to increase your curb appeal, like what I show here in this digital drawing. It looks very inviting and will draw people in, but won't take much time or money. Also, your menu is geared towards Texas style smokehouse meats, but nothing in your advertising or name says that. There are no other restaurants around here offering that type of food, so that's a big selling point  that you're not taking advantage of. I was thinking that on your signage and advertising, you could add a line that says Texas Style Smokehouse Meats - Ribs, Brisket, Steak, & Chicken. I was also thinking, after these upgrades are done we could do a grand re-opening at each of the restaurants. I would create an advertising campaign on social media to get the word out about the re-openings with videos showing your process of smoking the meats & people's reactions when they taste it. This type of advertising is nice because it's free, but very effective at reaching a lot of local people. It should increase your traffic without spending a lot of money. So what do you think?"

"I think you used my two favorite words; cheap and free," he laughed.

"Right?" I agreed with a laugh and a smile.

His smile faded and he rubbed his chin, looking down at the drawings and thinking for a second. "You know, everything you came up with, I think it might be exactly what my business needs."

He looked relieved, like some of his stress had melted away.

"I think so too," I nodded, waiting anxiously to see what else he would say.

He lifted his head and looked at me with a straight face before a smile slowly appeared and he reached his hand out. "I think you've got yourself a deal young lady."

I was stunned and excited, shaking his hand with a smile. "Thank you."

It took me a minute to get his paperwork ready and he started signing it without hesitation.

When he got up to leave, I stood up too and he said, "You should come by the restaurant and visit sometime and ummm ........ bring your boyfriend with you. I haven't seen him around much. Not since the accident."

I took a deep breath in and let it out. "Yeah. His way of dealing with it has been to just bury himself in his work. He's starting to do better now though. I'll make sure we plan a visit to see you guys really soon."

"I'd appreciate that and please tell him I said hi."

"I will," I nodded, walking him towards the door.

"Thanks again, for everything," he said with a smile as he was leaving.

I closed the door behind him and turned around to face Blakely with a huge smile.

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