Chapter 12 - Dress shopping

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Since I had the next day off work too because of the remodel, I decided it was the perfect time to go shopping for a dress for the police gala. Luckily Keisha had the day off too, so I dragged her along with me. She's always the best at giving fashion advice.

"So let me get this straight. He has a pregnant girlfriend that lives with him, but he's taking YOU to the gala?" Keisha asked, looking at me like I was crazy.

I couldn't help but laugh. "That's exactly what I said! I thought it was weird that he asked me before he asked her. He said she gets bored easily and is really picky about food, so she doesn't want to go. I told him I'd go with him just as a friend." 

"Hmmm. Well I guess that makes sense. It's still weird as hell though," Keisha told me as she combed through the clothing racks. 

"Thanks for your help. I want to look really nice. The mayor's going to be there and the police chief and a bunch of business owners from town. It can't be too short or show too much skin. I want to look elegant and sophisticated." 

"Got it," Keisha said with a nod before scouring the racks some more and collecting a pile for me to try on. "There are a few pretty dresses in your size. Try all of these on and I'll take pictures of you in them so we can see which one looks the best."

I took the tall stack from her hands. "I think we're going to be here all day!" I laughed as I headed into the dressing room. 

"Hey, just remember. Perfection takes time!" Keisha yelled. 

A minute later I came out in a navy blue sequined dress that reached the floor with a tall slit up the thigh and a halter neck. 

"Hmmmm. It's not bad. It just doesn't wow me," Keisha said squinting at it. "But let's take a picture of it anyway just in case we don't find anything better." 

I started posing as Keisha took pictures and decided to do some silly duck face poses with my hip popped out really far to make her laugh. 

"Yeeessss! Work it girl!" Keisha called out and we both busted out laughing before an employee shushed us, which just made us laugh even more, just a little quieter.

 I tried on dress after dress and they all looked great, but none of them made Keisha say "Yes! That's the one." 

I went back into the dressing room and tried on a floor length shiny black silk dress that had a V-neck halter that showed a little bit of cleavage and the back was open. I looked in the mirror before I even showed Keisha and thought, 'This is the one.' 

When I stepped out, Keisha's jaw dropped. "Wow. You look beautiful. It's absolutely perfect." 

I walked in front of the three way mirror and spun around to look at it from every angle. 

"You're right. It's perfect. It's elegant, but still a little bit sexy." 

"Hey, Knox might be taken but I bet there are going to be a lot of wealthy, handsome single men there. If you don't end up with a man by the end of the night wearing this dress, I'll be shocked," Keisha smiled before taking a picture of me in it. 

"So how did it go last night with you and David?" I asked.

"It was so amazing," she sighed, with the biggest smile I've ever seen her have. "I talked to him for hours. He's so funny and you were right. We're SO much alike, it's crazy."

"Yeah when I was talking to him, I was thinking he's literally like the male version of you," I laughed. "Him and I are nothing alike, but you and him are perfect."

Her smile faded and she hung her head.

"ALMOST perfect," she said sadly, letting out a sigh. "I just don't know what my parents will think if I bring home a white guy. I don't know how they'd react." 

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