Chapter 40 - Tyler's Phone Call

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***** Juni's Point of View *****

I was working on getting my new bedroom set up when my phone rang and I looked down to see Tyler's name. I was stunned.

"What the hell does he want?" I asked, shaking my head in disbelief.

I clicked to answer it and hesitantly said, "Hello?" as I walked over and closed my door.

"Juni?" he asked softly.

"Uh yeah. This is Juni. You called my phone so obviously it's me Tyler," I said, rolling me eyes as I sat down on my bed.

"Yeah sorry. That was a stupid question. I'm just really nervous," he said with an awkward laugh. "I guess I'm not thinking straight right now."

"Why are you so nervous?" I asked, laying back against the headboard and toying with the strings on my pillow.

"I've picked up my phone and tried to make this call so many times, but I couldn't do it. It's hard to face you after the way I acted," he said, letting out an exhale. "Especially after I found out what happened to your family. I feel like such an asshole."

I scoffed. "Well you should. What you did was REALLY shitty Tyler," I said angrily, wishing he was in front of me so I could slap him across the face.

"You told everybody at school I cheated on you with a bunch of different guys and that my baby wasn't even yours. It was humiliating!" I shouted angrily, feeling tears welling up in my eyes. "Your football friends nicknamed me the slut and everyone at school hated me and whispered behind my back. You made the end of my Senior year miserable!"

There was quiet for a minute on the other end of the line and then he finally let out an exhale and said, "I know Juni. You're right. What I did was REALLY shitty. You have no idea how sorry I am about that. About all of it. I was an immature dumbass."

"Why did you do it? You know damn good and well I never cheated on you. You're the only man I've ever even slept with, so why would you tell everybody I'm a slut and a cheater?" I asked, feeling my bottom lip trembling and my eyes burning with tears, before one ran down my cheek. "Were you just trying to hurt me? If so, why? I never even did anything to you?"

There was silence for a second before he said quietly, "I wasn't trying to hurt you Juni. I don't even have an excuse for what I did. When I found out about the baby, I just freaked out and panicked. All I could see was my future getting ripped away from me and I was afraid I was gonna lose everything. My parents and coach were so excited when I got that full ride to UCLA for football and I didn't want to screw it up and let them down."

"But it was okay to let me down?" I asked, with my eyebrows scrunched.

He let out a sigh and said, "No. I'm not saying that. I just didn't realize how much you meant to me til you were gone. I tried to move on and get over it, but I can't get you and the baby out of my head."

There was a tense, awkward silence for a minute until he said softly, "Please don't hate me Juni. I can't bear the thought of you hating me."

I took in a deep breath and exhaled. "I don't hate you Tyler. I just don't like you very much after what you put me through."

"That's fair. I deserve that," he sighed. "I guess I didn't realize how bad what I did was until I confessed everything to my parents. They hit the roof."

"So they know about the baby?"

"Yeah, they were really shocked at first and angry at me for being so stupid. Then I confessed to them that I told everyone you cheated on me and that the baby wasn't mine even though it wasn't true. I was feeling so guilty, I just had to confess to somebody. My Mom was so mad I thought she was going to disown me."

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