Chapter 36 - Big Things Ahead

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***** Two Months Later *****

I was sitting in my office, looking at the proposal that was pulled up on my laptop for a local brewery, but I was struggling to focus because I was so exhausted. All the numbers seemed to blur together and my stomach was giving me issues. I was starting to wonder if I was lactose intolerant or something.

I scooted back from my desk and stood up with a long stretch, rubbing my eyes and letting out a yawn. I looked at the time on my Apple Watch and saw that it was closing time. Normally I worked over, but today I just didn't have it in me.

I pulled on my coat and grabbed my purse, heading out into the hall as I pulled my phone out to text Knox.

'Hey babe. I don't know if I feel up to coming over tonight. I feel like shit. I think I might just go home and relax and watch a movie.'

'I was looking forward to seeing you. I could just come over there and make you feel better,' he texted back with a winking emoji, making me laugh as I got into the elevator and pressed the button for the parking garage.

'How could I turn that down?' I texted back with a smile on my face.

On the drive home I almost ran a red light because I was so tired and my brain felt foggy. When I got to my apartment, Keisha was sitting there watching a movie by herself with a big bowl of popcorn on her lap.

She sniffled and wiped a tear away as I plopped down next to her.

"You're watching The Last Song again? I don't know why you do this to yourself," I laughed. "You ball like a baby every time."

"Because, it's such a good movie," she sniffled. "But seeing them so happy together just makes me miss David. It feels like he's always gone and I can't stand it," she cried.

"Awww. I'm sorry. I know it's gotta be hard," I told her, wrapping my arm around her shoulder and pulling her closer so her head rested onto my shoulder, rubbing her arm up and down to comfort her.

"I knew dating an NBA player would be hard, but I didn't realize it would be THIS hard," she said in a shaky voice. "I hardly get to see him and he's got all these beautiful female fans throwing themselves at him in every city he goes to."

"But has he ever cheated?" I asked her.

"I don't think so, but who knows," she cried. Seeing her cry like that made me start tearing up too. I had always been a sympathetic crier.

"Well just don't sabotage what you have with David because you've had shitty boyfriends before that cheated on you. He's a good guy," I said softly.

"I know," she sniffled.

When Knox got there he just walked right in without knocking like he always does. I loved that he felt so at home at my place now. The new house he had bought for him and Juni still wasn't ready to be moved into yet because he was doing some renovations and upgrades on it.

When he walked in, he took one look at both of our faces and said, "You're watching The Last Song again aren't you?"

"You know me too well already," Keisha laughed, shaking her head. "Lucky for you, it just got over," she said, standing up and saying, "Who's hungry? I'm making food."

"Ugh. I'm starving but my stomach's upset again so I don't know if I can eat," I groaned. "Just the thought of food makes me want to yak."

"Again? What's up with you lately?" she asked, scrunching her eyebrows at me.

"I don't know," I sighed. "Maybe I should just give in and go see a doctor. I've been so tired at work the past couple weeks that I've been screwing everything up. I can't even concentrate. I'm surprised I haven't gotten called into the boss's office to get yelled at yet."

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