Chapter 13 - Fishing for a Catfish

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***** Knox Hendrix's Point of View *****

Peggy was quiet for a minute and me and Trevor both held our breath, waiting to see if she would actually show us her face. Finally after a few tense seconds she picked the phone up and pointed the camera at herself.  I was really surprised that she was actually pretty. I had expected something a lot different based on what I usually saw from catfish cases. 

Peggy had long, blondish-brown hair and big bright blue eyes. The only imperfection I saw was a long, thin scar across one of her cheeks that ran from the corner of her nose all the way back to one of her ears. Even with that scar, she was still really pretty.

I could tell Trevor was really surprised too because he sat there in silence for a second, speechless. I waved in the background to break him out of his trance and mouthed the word, 'Talk' to him. 

He blinked a couple times before snapping out of it and saying, "Wow. Ummmmm. You're REALLY beautiful Peggy. I didn't expect that. I don't understand why you've been hiding your face from me for so long." 

"You don't have to lie to me Damion. I know I'm not beautiful," she said sadly, looking down at her hands. 

"Yes you are. Why would you say that?" 

"Because it's the truth," she said quietly. "I used to be beautiful, but not anymore. Not after what happened to me." 

"What happened?" Trevor asked. 

"You remember how I told you I was in an accident doing horse barrel racing? Well the horse actually bucked me off and then stepped on my face. It tore my skin and I needed a lot of stitches to close it back up. It left me with this horrible scar."

"I see your scar but it's really not that bad. You're still beautiful Peggy. I really do mean that. I swear," Trevor said and Knox could tell that he really meant it. It was true. She was beautiful. 

 She put her head down and started to cry and I could see tears running down her cheeks. 

"I was so afraid you wouldn't like me anymore after you saw me," she sniffled. "That's what happened with the guy I was dating before the accident. He was a pro bull-rider in the PBR circuit and he was really good. He had women throwing themselves at him all the time, but he picked me and that made me feel really special. We had just gotten engaged and I thought we would spend the rest of our lives together. After the accident he couldn't even stand to look at me anymore. He said he was ashamed to be seen with me and he dumped me," she cried, wiping away her tears. 

"That's horrible. I'm so sorry," Trevor said, shaking his head. 

"After that I was too afraid to do barrel racing so they gave away my spot on the tour to someone else. I just stopped leaving the house altogether because when I did, people would whisper. It wasn't just kids either. I'd hear the mean things grown adults would say behind my back about my scar. It made me feel like a hideous monster." 

"People can be so cruel," Trevor said sadly, shaking his head. "But you know what? Your scar honestly isn't that bad. In my opinion it actually makes you look like a badass," he laughed. 

"Really?" she asked, with a hint of a smile. "You think so?" 

"Totally," he nodded. "You know what I would do if I was you? If you hear someone make a shitty comment about your scar, I'd say, 'Yeah, I got this scar in a prison fight. Five women jumped me and cut up my face but I killed them all in self defense with my bare hands. I just got released last week. Then look at them with crazy eyes," he laughed. "I bet they'd shut up about your scar real quick!" 

She laughed really hard and he laughed too and then she stopped and smiled. 

"You know what? You're really funny." 

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