Chapter 29 - Taking the Stand

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"I'm glad I changed my mind too," Knox said, letting out an exhale. "I had what I thought were good reasons at the time, but it turns out they weren't. I was just being a dumbass," he laughed, shaking his head with a smile.

"Yes you were," Jackson agreed, making Knox and me both laugh.

Then Knox turned to Jackson and said, "Hey, make sure Elodie takes the witness stand before me. That way she can mention that I turned her down a couple times and then when I'm on the stand you can ask me why. I'll explain how I had just lost my Mom, Dad and brother in a car accident and had become the guardian for my pregnant eighteen year old sister. My head was not in a good place to start a new relationship. Plus, with my crazy work schedule, I didn't think I would have enough time to spend with her. Maybe if I explain all that they'll believe me."

"Sounds like a plan," Jackson nodded. "I think they'll understand why you were such an idiot," he laughed. "At least you came to your senses and asked her out. If you hadn't I would've wondered about you."

"Hey man! You remember Sheila?" Knox asked. "You liked her for like FIVE YEARS before you finally grew a pair and asked her out. You have no room to talk buddy!"

"I know. I know. Don't remind me," Jackson laughed. "I wish I would've waited five more years because she turned me down flat, no hesitation at all. She just looked at me with a straight face, and said no, then turned and walked off," he laughed. "My little fifteen year old heart was crushed."

"Oh I remember," Knox laughed, shaking his head with a smile. "You didn't eat for a week."

"How long have you two known each other?" I asked.

"Oh Knox and I go WAY back," Jackson smiled. "We met when we were in diapers. Our Moms went to high school together so when they found out they were both pregnant at the same time, they decided their babies had to become best friends and we did."

"Awwww. That's really sweet," I said, giving Knox some puppy dog eyes.

"Ugh!" Knox groaned. "Don't go getting all sentimental on me and shit," he laughed.

"Yeah. I'm not that special," Jackson laughed. "Knox has so many friends. I don't know if you've noticed yet, but he literally knows people everywhere he goes. Any time I go anywhere in this town with this man, he'll know at least one or two people there and everyone loves him. I told him he should run for mayor or something."

"Nah," Knox said, shaking his head. "Fuck that. I don't want to be the mayor, but who knows. Maybe I'll put in to be the Police Chief one day when the chief retires," Knox shrugged. He reached over and grabbed my hand and wound his fingers through mine. I rested my head on his shoulder and let out an exhale as he kissed the top of my head and whispered, "I love you."

"I love you too," I whispered back and closed my eyes. Then I remembered something, lifting my head back up. "Hey, did you guys notice how Peggy kept staring at me? It was really starting to freak me out. It was this blank creepy stare," I said, getting a shiver up my spine just thinking about it.

"Sorry, I didn't notice babe," Knox said, taking a bite of his food.

"I didn't either," Jackson agreed.

Maybe I was being overly sensitive and imagining things since both guys said they hadn't noticed.

The rest of the day at court was spent finishing up the witness testimonies from the men that had been catfished. Jackson told me I would testify tomorrow morning and then Knox would go right after me.

That night we were both tired so we bought a big pizza and took it home and ate dinner with Juni like we usually did. It had become our routine.

The next morning Jackson, the Prosecuting attorney, got up and said, "I'd like to call my first witness. I call Austin McCormick to the stand."

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