Chapter 59 - Cracking the Case

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***** Knox's Point of View *****

I looked at the security footage from the parking lot and saw that Peggy got into the back of an unmarked white van with the windows blacked out that was waiting right outside the doors. Unfortunately the license plate was covered.

As soon as she got in, it sped off so that meant she wasn't working alone. Someone was actually helping her, which was even scarier. I sent the info about them being in a white van to the chief so he could add it to the Amber Alert and a minute later a loud alarm on my phone started going off.

I looked down at it to see the Amber Alert message.

{AMBER alert - Seattle, WA - Caucasian male - 1 day old abducted from Seattle Methodist hospital in a white unmarked van with blacked out windows. Suspect is a white female, mid 20's with blonde hair and a prominent scar on her face. Suspect is considered armed and dangerous. Do not approach if spotted. Contact authorities immediately.}

Seattle was only three hours from Vancouver, Canada and for some reason, my gut was telling me they were heading for the border. I called the chief again as I rushed outside to my police cruiser.

"Chief. I have a feeling they're heading for Canada. We need to notify the U.S. Border patrol so they'll keep an eye out. Have you put the Amber Alert into the FBI database and flagged it as an abduction?"

"I'm working on it as we speak. Then I'll call border patrol. Anything else you need from me right now?"

"Could you issue out a Canadian Amber Alert too?"

"Sure thing."

"Hey, thanks for your help Chief. My mind is all over the place right now."

"You're welcome. Hey, we're gonna find him Knox."

"I hope so," I said, letting out an exhale before hanging up.

I turned on my siren and sped across town toward the police station. I couldn't just sit at the hospital and wait around. I had to get out of there and do something.

On the way there I realized I hadn't told Elodie what was going on yet, so I called her cell phone through my bluetooth.

When she answered she was crying. "Knox, I just saw the Amber Alert. It's for Charlie isn't it?" she sobbed.

"Yeah," I said softly, letting out an exhale and running my hand up through my hair. "That nurse that came in the room and took him was actually Peggy."

She gasped. "Are you serious?"

"Yeah. I saw her face on the security footage. She took off his ankle monitor and hid him under her jacket so no one would notice. They left the hospital and took off in a white van."

"Oh my gosh!" she sobbed, breaking down. "You don't think she's gonna hurt him do you?" she choked out through her tears.

"Honestly, I don't know, but I'm not gonna wait around to find out. I'm heading over to the station to see what I can do there. The Chief is getting the feds involved and we have the border patrol on high alert."

I saw the exit I needed up ahead so I looked over my shoulder and switched lanes. "We're gonna get him back Elodie, or I'm gonna die trying. I promise."

"Please Knox," she sobbed. "Please get him back."

Hearing the desperation in her voice broke my heart and made my eyes water.

"I will. I promise," I told her before hanging up and gripping onto the steering wheel as I sped down the interstate with my sirens still going, driving with determination. That was a promise I intended to keep.

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