Chapter 26 - Presentation Day

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***** Two Days Later *****

I was in the conference room at the office, getting ready to do my first presentation. It was with Grayson Beckford, the man I had danced with at the police gala that owned the sporting equipment factory. I wanted to make sure I came out of the gates strong, so I had decided to schedule my best presentation first, that way if one of the others didn't go well, Blakely would at least know what I was capable of.

Blakely came into the conference room and took a seat while I finished setting up my laptop and connected it through Bluetooth to the projector screen. 

"You look really nice today Elodie," she told me with a smile. "Very professional and elegant." 

"Thank you. I put a little extra effort in this morning because of the presentation."

I had worn my tight, long black pencil skirt with a fitted silky turquoise blouse, black heels, and a silver dangly necklace and earrings set. My hair was pulled back into a slick low bun and I had tried to imitate Blakely's precise, natural looking makeup.

There was a knock at the door and the receptionist showed Grayson and two other gentlemen into the room, all three wearing nice suits. Grayson had on a three-piece Armani suit that looked custom made and imported, obviously the most expensive of the three. His silver speckled black hair was slightly wavy on top with the side and back cut short and clean. He had his black dress shoes shined to perfection and a large silver wristwatch that looked like it cost more than everything I owned.

As soon as he walked into the room and saw me, his face lit up and he smiled, immediately coming over.

"Elodie! It's so nice to see you again!" he said loudly, shaking my hand with a firm grip. "My wife absolutely adored you and hasn't shut up about it since you two met," he laughed. "She said to tell you hello."

I had met his wife last week when I went to the factory to interview him. I was surprised to find out he was married since I got the impression he was flirting when he asked me to dance at the police gala. 

"Aww. That's sweet. Please tell her I said hello back," I told him with a smile before stepping back and motioning behind me. "Grayson, this is my boss, Blakely Peterson. She's the Executive Director of the firm and a very smart, talented woman. And I'm not just saying that because she writes my checks," I laughed, making Grayson smile.

He shook Blakely's hand and then motioned to the other two men that came with him. "This is Steven Anderson, my head of Public Relations and Mark Johnson, my Chief Financial Officer. I'm glad you suggested that I bring them along because important decisions can't be made unless all three of us agree on it."

I shook their hands and then all three men took a seat, but I stayed standing. 

 "Before we get started would you guys like a snack or anything to drink?" I asked. 

"No we're good. Thank you though," Grayson said with a nod. 

"Ok. Well before I get into your proposal, I wanted to give you a little bit of background about our company. Avanta has been the most prestigious and sought after marketing firm in the state of Washington for over fifty years. We don't do business with just anybody. We only work with elite businesses that we think are worthy of our name, and your company is exactly the kind that we like to work with. You've got a tradition of top quality products and you're well known and respected in the community, so a partnership with Avanta just fits. I know you're a man of extreme taste Mr. Beckford, and you're willing to pay extra for quality. That's exactly what Avanta is."

He smiled and I could tell the flattery was working on him, just like Knox said it would.

"I think a company of your caliber needs a marketing campaign of equal caliber. It needs to attract attention, turn heads and make people talk," I said with a knowing smile. "Being a sporting goods manufacturer, I think an endorsement from a famous, well-known athlete is exactly what you need and I just happen to be good friends with David Richardson from the L.A. Lakers. He's already agreed to be a part of your marketing campaign as a personal favor to me. That is, if you sign with Avanta."

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