Chapter 11 - Getting to know David

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This might be the only chance I'd ever have to kiss Knox Hendrix and find out if there was more between us than a friendship. Then I remembered his girlfriend Juni back home that was pregnant with his baby and I could NEVER do that to her. The last thing I wanted to be was a home wrecker. As much as I wanted to be with Knox, that just wasn't the type of person I was. I would have to be content with just being his friend. 

I turned my head and pointed to my cheek and Knox kissed it, making the crowd boo us loudly and a few people behind us threw popcorn at us. That just made both of us laugh really hard. The Kiss Cam moved on to another couple and I sighed with relief. I hated being the center of attention with a whole stadium of eyes on me. I wondered how David got used to all this pressure and attention. 

On the way back to his apartment Knox looked over with a smile and said, "Thank you. I really needed that. I don't even remember the last time I laughed that much." 

"You're welcome," I told him with a smile. "I'm really glad I happened to have the day off so I could go with you. That was fun." I looked down at my hands and said, "I don't get to just relax and have fun like that very often." 

"Oh, ummmm. Speaking of fun," he hesitated before saying, "I wanted to ask you something. There's this fundraiser thing for the Seattle Police Department this Saturday. It's a fancy gala where the men dress up in suits and the women wear ball gowns and I'm told the food is going to be amazing because this famous chef is catering. The Chief told us to bring dates. Do you ummm. Do you want to go with me?" 

I scrunched my eyebrows at him in confusion. 

"Shouldn't you take Juni with you to that?" I asked. 

He looked surprised by that question. "Ummmm. I mean, I guess I could. I just thought it would make more sense to bring you since the Chief is giving a speech about the success of the Cyber Crimes unit and that involves you. Juni wouldn't even like going to that kind of thing. She'd be bored out of her mind and she'd probably hate the fancy food. She's more of a mac and cheese and chicken nugget kind of girl," he laughed. 

I wasn't sure what to say to that. I thought it was really weird that he wanted to go with me, even if his girlfriend would hate it. He did make a good point though about the Chief giving a speech about the Cyber Crimes Unit. It would make sense for me to be there for that. 

"I'll go under one condition. I want you to ask Juni if she wants to go first and if she says no, then I'll go with you ......... as a friend."

He thought about it for a second and then nodded his head before saying, "Ok. I'll ask Juni and I'll let you know what she says." 

He pulled up outside of his apartment and shut the engine off before walking me over to my car, standing there with his hands in his pockets, thinking. 

He finally raised his head and looked at me for a second before asking, "So, what do you think about David Richardson? You two seemed to hit it off." 

I noticed a hint of disappointment and maybe even jealousy in his voice.

"I don't know," I shrugged, taking a breath in and letting out an exhale. "I just met the guy. The only thing I know about him is that he's really tall and good at basketball. That's not enough to decide if I like somebody," I laughed. I looked at him and searched his eyes for a second before asking, "Why?" 

He looked down and kicked at a rock on the ground before shrugging, "I don't know. I just know how professional athletes are. They're womanizers and once they've gotten what they want from you, they'll lose interest and toss you to the side for the next hot chick that throws themselves at them." He lifted his head and looked at me again before saying, "I just don't want to see you get hurt." 

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