Chapter 38 - My hero

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What I saw in front of me when I opened my eyes was my worst nightmare. Knox was laying on the ground face down, not moving. Apparently he had run and jumped in front of me right as the gun had gone off to take the bullet instead of me. He saved my life.

"Drop your weapon! Get down on the ground!" the police shouted as they moved in on Peggy with their guns drawn.

I heard one of them talking into their walkie talkie saying, "Officer down! Officer down!"

Hearing that sent a chill across my skin and the blood rushed from my face. My legs gave out and I crumbled to the floor, crawling over to Knox and rolling him onto his back, cradling him in my arms.

"Somebody call 911!" I sobbed, rocking back and forth with his head in my lap, looking up and seeing one of the deputies sneak up behind Peggy and grab the gun from her hands right before another one took her down to the ground and put handcuffs on her.

I looked back down at Knox's closed eyes. "Knox! Please wake up! You can't leave me! You're gonna be a daddy," I begged, struggling to breath as I rocked back and forth sobbing. "I need you! The baby needs you!" I choked out. "Please!"

As Peggy was being dragged away by an officer she yelled out, "You're next Willow!" and then she let out a really evil, creepy laugh that was loud enough to echo through the crowded room.

An officer rushed over to check on Knox, kneeling down beside him. I backed up to get out of their way, holding my breath while I watched, begging him to be okay.

The officer pressed his fingers into his neck and yelled out with a smile, "He has a pulse!"

I had never been more happy to hear four words in my life and I covered my mouth with my hands and started to cry.

There was a low grumbling noise and it took a few seconds for me to realize it was coming from Knox. He was groaning really softly.

"Knox?! Can you hear me?!" I asked, rushing to his side again.

Knox's eyes fluttered and then he slowly blinked until he finally opened his eyes and looked up at me.

He slowly started to sit up, clutching his chest. "Owww. That really hurt," he groaned, wincing with pain.

I was so stunned and couldn't believe he was alive and talking.

"How is this possible?" I asked, wiping my tears. "You got shot!"

Knox reached down and slowly pulled off his shirt, revealing a black bullet proof vest.

"Technically I was on duty because I'm the detective in this case, so I had to wear it. That's the rule," he said as he pulled the velcro straps open on the sides and slid the vest off. There was a big bright red mark right in the center of his chest.

"Ugh, that's gonna leave a nasty bruise," he said, wincing in pain as he touched his fingers to it.

I was so happy I threw my arms around his neck and sobbed, clinging onto him. I kissed him over and over before finally pulling back, looking into his blue eyes.

"I thought I had lost you," I cried. "It felt like my entire world came crashing down and I felt lost. I thought I was going to have to raise our baby without you," I sobbed as a tear ran down my cheek.

He raised his hand and wiped a tear away from my cheek with his thumb, giving me a weak smile.

"I'm still here," he said softly. "I'm not going anywhere any time soon."

I wrapped my arms around him again and cried, holding onto him so tight, afraid to let him go because I might wake up and realize he really did die from that gunshot and this was just a dream.

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