Chapter 58 - Security Breach

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***** Knox's Point of View *****

I stopped down in the gift shop and bought a fluffy brown teddy bear with a red bow on it, a small bouquet of flowers and an assortment of snacks because I knew how hungry Elodie was.

When I rounded the corner back into our hospital room carrying all the stuff I bought, Elodie was in there with her Mom, but Charlie wasn't there.

"Hey, where's the baby?" I asked, leaning down and giving her a kiss, handing her the flowers.

"Awww. Thank you babe. A nurse came by and said she needed to take him to get his hearing checked. She said it would only take a few minutes, but they've been gone quite a while. Hopefully they didn't find something wrong with his hearing," she said, suddenly looking worried.

"I'm sure it's fine," I shrugged. "Maybe they're running some other tests on him too or something."

"Maybe," she said, not looking convinced.

A little while later, Rosie, the same nurse that had been with us during the delivery came in holding a clipboard.

She looked around the room and said, "Where's the little guy at? We need to take him to get his first bath and to get cleaned up."

"A nurse came by to take him for a hearing test. She said it would only be a few minutes but they've been gone a long time," Elodie told her.

"A hearing test?" The nurse scrunched her eyebrows in confusion, looking through the chart.

"I'm the only nurse assigned to him and I don't see where the doctor made any notes about ordering a hearing test. Let me go find out what's happening."

I couldn't help but notice the concern on her face when she left the room and my gut instinct was telling me something was very wrong.

"Are you sure the woman who took him was a nurse? What did she look like?" I asked Elodie.

"Umm. I did't really pay that close of attention because me and my Mom were busy talking, but I know she had on nurse scrubs and she had long, dark hair and she was kind of skinny. She was only in here for a few seconds. It just happened really fast."

"Knox?" Elodie asked, looking up at me. "I don't feel right. I think something's wrong. I can feel it."

"Me too," I nodded. "I'm going to go out to the nurse's station and talk to them. I'll be back."

As I walked down the hall towards the desk, I noticed the look on the nurse's faces as I approached. They all looked afraid and worried.

"Hi," I said, clearing my throat, trying not to overreact. "Ummmm. We'd really like to see our baby now. Could you page whoever it was that took him for a hearing test and ask them to bring him back right away please?"

Our nurse Rosie stood there with a somber look on her face and she seemed nervous, fidgeting with the papers in her hands.

"I ummm. I don't know how to tell you this sir, but," she told me hesitantly, pausing and giving the other nurses a sideways glance before looking back at me and continuing. "We're ummm. We're actually not sure who that was that came into your room and took your baby for a hearing test."

I felt like I was just punched in the stomach. My worst fear was confirmed.

"None of the nurses or doctors in the o.b. unit said they took him and the order for a hearing test hadn't even been put in the computer yet."

I could physically feel the blood leaving my face.

When she saw the look on my face she made a half-hearted attempt to reassure me. "You don't need to worry sir. I'm sure we'll find him. There are security measures in the hospital to keep babies from being stolen. There are chips in their ankle bracelet that make an alarm go off if someone tries to walk through an exit door with them. That alarm makes the other doors beyond that lock down."

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