Chapter 50 - The Truth Comes Out

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I rushed downstairs and asked Knox, "Can you watch the baby for a bit? I need to run across town real fast," I asked, grabbing my purse and rain jacket, since it was pouring outside.

"Sure. I've got this. You go ahead."

I stood there looking at Knox for a second and he laughed.

"I promise. I'll only give him one beer and one cigarette and we'll stick to R rated movies only."

I narrowed my eyes at him. "Your sarcasm isn't appreciated dumbass."

He gasped and covered Noah's ears. "Such language around the baby!"

I rolled my eyes and walked out the door laughing, putting up my hood and running through the rain to my car.

I didn't text or call Tyler before driving across town to his house because I wanted to have this conversation face to face.

I knocked on the door and his Mom answered, looking surprised.

"Juni! I'm so glad to see you!" she said with a big smile. "Come on in. Take your wet jacket off and give me a hug."

I slid my rain jacket off, hanging it on their coat rack before giving her a hug. She rubbed my arm and asked, "Where's Noah? You didn't bring him with you?" looking out the front door towards my car.

"No, he's at home with Knox," I told her, seeing disappointment on her face. "I just came over to talk to Tyler really quick, but I promise I'll bring Noah with me next time."

I looked past her at the staircase. "So is ummm. Is Tyler here?"

"Yeah, I think he's upstairs packing. It's hard to believe he's leaving for college tomorrow. It's gonna feel empty around here without him," she said sadly.

I let out an exhale and looked down. "Yeah. It sure will."

The thought of him being gone and so far away hurt my heart. I looked up and saw her giving me a sympathetic look.

"Go on upstairs. I'm sure he'll be happy to see you."

"Thanks," I said with a half-hearted smile before walking forward and climbing the stairs, looking at their family pictures that hung on the wall. I hadn't been over to his house in months so it felt really weird to be here again.

I passed his little brother and sister's rooms before standing outside of Tyler's. I hesitated before finally getting up the nerve to knock.

A minute later the door opened and Tyler was standing there, and he looked surprised to see me.

"Juni? What are you doing here? Did I leave something at your house?"

"Yeah, you umm, you forgot something really important that you can't go to California without."

He scrunched his eyebrows.

"Oh yeah? What's that?" he asked.

I looked up into his eyes, feeling my heart beating faster and my breath getting more shallow. I had never been so scared or nervous in my life, but I knew what I had to do.

"Juni?" he asked again. "What did I forget that's so important?"

I looked into his eyes and hesitantly stepped forward, waiting a couple seconds before I finally said, "This." I leaned up on my tiptoes and wrapped my arms around his neck, pressing my lips against his.

His eyes widened from shock at first but then they softened and he kissed me back, gripping around my waist as he pulled me against him, covering my mouth with his.

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