Chapter 24 - Big News

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By the end of the second week I had finished preparing all five proposals for the companies and I felt really good about every single one of them. I had been going over to Knox's house every night after work so we could eat dinner together and then he'd help me with my proposals. I practiced presenting to him as if he was the client and he gave me really good tips to make it better. 

Then afterwards we'd snuggle together on the couch and watch a movie. Most of the time we didn't even pay attention to the movie and just talked to each other the whole time. It had become our routine and I was already so comfortable with him. Laying on the couch with my head on his chest and his arms wrapped around me was the most amazing feeling in the world. After being single for so long, it felt good to finally have somebody to snuggle with.

On Friday I was sitting there thinking about it and realized it was only a few days until the court case would start. I had been so focused on my work and getting ready for the presentations that I hadn't thought about how close it was coming.

"Are you ready for next week Knox? It's only a week until we go to court. We haven't really talked about it much," I asked as we sat down at his kitchen table to eat the homemade chicken pot pie I had just cooked in his kitchen. I figured that would be a good way to get Juni to actually eat vegetables instead of junk food.

"Oh yeah. We're more than ready," Knox said confidently. "We've got so much evidence against her that there's no way she's walking away from this. She's trying to have the evidence thrown out, but she has no grounds. I've been helping the prosecuting attorneys build their case and they're really confident."

Juni looked over at us. "So you guys didn't really explain what you're going to court for," she said, looking confused.

Knox wiped his mouth with a napkin and swallowed his bite before telling her, "This lady stole Elodie's pictures off of Facebook and created a profile pretending to be her. She cat-fished ten different guys, made them fall in love with her and then conned them out of over two million dollars. That's actually how me and Elodie met, because I helped track the lady down that stole her identity and arrested her."

"Wow," Juni said in awe, shaking her head. "She conned ten different guys?"

"Yeah, one of them was actually a famous NBA player," Knox laughed.

"Seriously?" Juni asked raising her eyebrows with wide eyes.

"Yeah. He's actually dating my roommate now," I told her.

Juni sat there processing this information for a minute before saying, "I can't even imagine being so beautiful that someone would use my pictures to con a famous person out of money. That must make you feel really good," she said, taking a drink of milk before adding, "knowing that there are hundreds of thousands of pictures online of beautiful people that she could've picked, but she chose yours. You must be flattered."

I took a bite of the chicken pot pie and thought about it.

"Hmm. Maybe I should be. I guess I never really looked at it that way," I told her, shrugging my shoulders before taking a drink of red wine. "I think she just picked me randomly. And anyways, you're beautiful too. The same thing could've happened to you," I told her but Juni shook her head.

"No, I'm not beautiful like you. I can't even get my baby's dad to want to be with me," she said sadly, hanging her head and looking down at her food, poking at it with her fork. "I must be pretty horrible."

It hurt my heart to hear her talk like that about herself.

"You're not horrible at all. That guy must be pretty messed up to not see how amazing you are." 

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