Chapter 39 - Moving In

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The doctor smiled and said, "Yes, the baby's okay. Elodie just went through a very stressful event and that put some strain on the baby. She's going to need to take it easy for a little while. I'm going to send you home with a fetal heart monitor and I want you to be on bed rest for the next month. Then we'll re-evaluate things."

"Bed rest for a month?!" I asked loudly in disbelief. "How? Knox and Keisha work most of the time and my Mom lives far away. There's nobody to help take care of me. Plus I have a job."

"I'm sure your boss will let you work remotely for a while if you explain the situation," Knox offered. "I'll talk to the chief and see if I can work on cases and oversee the team from home for a month. You can move into the house with me and Juni so we can help take care of you. I was going to ask you to move in anyway," Knox said, like it was no big deal.

I looked at him with raised eyebrows, feeling butterflies in my stomach.

"You want me to move in with you?" I asked.

"Yeah," he smiled. "I know you love living with your best friend, but selfishly I'd love to have you around all the time. It would be really nice coming home to you every night."

I gave him a warm smile and then looked down at my stomach. "It's not just because I'm having your baby is it?"

My biggest fear and insecurity was that he was only staying with me because of the baby.

"No," he said with scrunched eyebrows. "I would've asked you to move in even if you weren't pregnant."

I searched his eyes and I could tell he was telling the truth. I gave him a soft smile and nodded, saying, "Okay. I'll move in with you."

I had never lived with a guy before so I was nervous, but really excited.

Knox wheeled me out to the waiting room where Keisha and David were waiting for us anxiously. Keisha rushed over looking really worried.

"Are you okay? Is the baby okay?"

"Yeah," I smiled letting out an exhale. "But I have to use a fetal heart monitor and be on bed rest for a month and I have to use a wheelchair because he wants me to stay off my feet as much as I can."

I looked up at Knox and then back at her. "Knox wants me to move in with him so he can help take care of me."

Her smile faded. "You're moving out?" she asked sadly.

For years we had looked forward to getting a place together after college and living the wild, single life together in the city. I felt so guilty that our plans didn't pan out. Sometimes life doesn't go how we plan.

"Yeah, but you know you can come visit any time you want to and once I'm off bed rest I'll come visit you too. It's not like we won't see each other any more."

She nodded, but I could see the tears in her eyes. We had been inseparable all through high school so we went to college together and were roommates all four years and then got a place together after.

It was really hard to come to terms with the fact that we were growing up, becoming adults and going our separate ways after all this time.

"Can I have a hug?" I asked, feeling tears burning at my eyes.

She nodded with a sniffle, leaning down and giving me a hug in the wheelchair and crying on my shoulder. She finally stood up straight and wiped her tears away.

"But who's going to watch The Last Song with me now?" Keisha whined, making a pouty face.

"Definitely not me," David said, making us all laugh and Keisha smacked his chest with a smile.

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