Chapter 32 - Anger and Outrage

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***** Peggy's Point of View *****

"I'm freaking out here Stan! I used ALL the money I had left from winning Nationals to pay your damn fees. All the advertising, sponsorship, endorsement money, it's ALL fucking gone because of YOU! Because I was told you were the best!" I shouted, feeling my anger rising.

"You PROMISED me that confession video was going to be thrown out! SO WHY THE HELL DID THEY SHOW IT?!" I screamed in his face, punching the table next to us with my fist.

"Now Peggy let's calm down," he said, talking to me as if I was a baby throwing a tantrum or something. As if he didn't just screw me over. "We can't lose our focus when we're so close to winning."

"Winning?!" I scoffed. "You can't be serious. You must think I'm really stupid or naive. Any chance we had of winning disappeared the second they played that video you moron!"

"Hey, THEY have the burden of proof, not us!" he said defensively. "They have to prove without a shadow of a doubt that you're guilty. If I've managed to make the jurors question your guilt for even a second, then we've still got a shot."

"We HAD a shot! Until they showed that fucking video!" I screamed, picking up his stack of papers and throwing them across the room, making them go flying everywhere.

"You know what? Maybe Austin was right about you. Maybe you are crazy," Stan said, backing away from me nervously.

Hearing that was like nails on a chalkboard and I turned my head sharply and glared at him, clenching my teeth. I walked over slowly and got right into his face, pointing my finger up against his nose. "I better NEVER hear you call me crazy again Stan," I growled. "or I'm going to be on trial again .......... FOR YOUR MURDER!" I screamed, punching the wall beside his head with my fist, making him jump.

"Well I can see you've had a long day," he said in a shaky voice, before stooping down and gathering up his papers off the floor, and then standing back up and clearing his throat.

"I'm going to go tell the deputies you're ready to go back to your cell. We'll talk again in the morning when you've had a chance to cool off," he said, hurrying out of the room before I had a chance to protest.

My heart was pounding and my breath was labored, like I just ran a marathon or something. I squeezed my fists shut as tight as I could, until my fingernails dug into the skin of my palms and made the insides of my hands start to bleed. I felt so much rage and anger building up inside that I didn't know what to do. I had to get it out or I would explode.

I looked around the small room for something I could destroy, but the holding room was pretty empty except for a long table and a few chairs. I picked up the corner of the table and lifted it, tossing it over as hard as I could, making a loud banging noise. Then I picked up a chair and threw it, making it crash against the table with a loud clanging of metal. I picked up another chair and threw it against the concrete wall.

It wasn't long before the deputies came in, looking around the room that now had a pile of thrown furniture.

"What happened?" one of them asked me.

I shrugged. "Sorry. I thought I saw a bee."

The guy rolled his eyes and laughed. "Sure. Let's go Peggy. Time to go back to your cell."

"My cell? Don't you mean my cage? Animals in a fucking animal shelter get better rooms than that. It's inhumane."

They walked me back to my cell in silence, slamming the heavy metal door closed behind me. I looked around the tiny room for something, anything to take my mind off of my racing thoughts.

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