Chapter 44 - Tyler's TikTok Video

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***** Juni's Point of View *****

I took a deep breath in and let it out before getting up the nerve to play Tyler's TikTok video. I was really worried about what he was going to say.

When I finally clicked on it, there was Tyler standing in his front yard in front of his parent's beautiful house that was more of a mansion than a house. The camera was close enough to see his handsome face clearly.

"Hey guys, this is going to be a lot different than my usual videos," he started, in his deep, smooth voice, running a hand up through his shaggy, sandy blonde hair.

"I usually just make videos to goof off and make people laugh or talk about football. But today I wanna get real for a minute and tell you guys about what's actually going on in my life. I've fucked things up so bad," he said with an exhale, looking down.

After a few seconds he lifted his head and looked back at his phone. "A few months ago I had a girlfriend named Juni and we were really happy together. She was the sweetest, most amazing woman I've ever dated. She's funny and smart and the only woman I know that can actually pass a football back and forth with me and catch it every time," he laughed with a smile.

Then his smile faded and he looked down with a sigh. "But I was an idiot and messed everything up with her. She told me she was pregnant and I freaked out. I panicked and thought I had screwed up my whole life. I'm really ashamed of what I did next. I was afraid a baby would mess up my future with football, so I lied and told everyone she cheated on me and the baby wasn't mine."

He let out an exhale before looking back up at the camera with a pained look on his face. "I wanted to let everyone in the world know the truth. Juni never cheated on me and her baby is mine. His name is going to be Noah and I can't wait to meet him and be his Dad."

He was quiet for a few seconds and then said, "Juni, if by some chance you're out there listening to this, I want you to know how sorry I am and that I'll never stop trying to make this up to you, and to our baby."

Then the video cut off and I sat there staring at my phone in shock, dumbfounded. I couldn't believe he actually did that. It was so sweet.

My eyes burned with tears as I clicked on his name in my contacts list and sent him a text.

'Hey, I just saw the video you posted on TikTok. I can't even begin to tell you how much that means to me. Thank you.'

A few seconds later my phone dinged with a text back.

'I meant every word Juni. I'm so sorry about what I put you through. I might lose some followers when people find out what I did, but I don't even give a shit. You and the baby are more important to me than any of that bullshit.'

Seeing that message made me smile. He had spent a couple years growing his fan base on TikTok, so to know that I was more important to him than that meant a lot. I still wasn't ready to forgive him for what he did, but it was definitely a good start.

'Hey, do you want to hang out some time? Elodie said you and I should try to be friends for the baby's sake and I think she's right.'

'Yeah, I think that's a great idea. How about tonight?'

'That's perfect,' I texted back.

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