Chapter 54 - Tyler's Home

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**** The Next Day - Juni's Point of View ****

In the middle of the night I was sound asleep when I felt someone shaking me. I blinked my opens open, squinting against the light.

"Juni, I'm taking Elodie to the hospital. The baby's coming."

"Okay," I nodded, with a yawn. "Text me when it's getting close," I whispered, before rolling over and closing my eyes, going back to sleep.

A few hours later I woke up to Noah crying and I reluctantly got up with a groan and a stretch, rubbing my tired, blood-shot eyes. I stood up and walked over to the crib, changed his diaper and lifted him up into my arms before I made my way downstairs to make him a bottle.

Keisha, David and Elodie's Mom were sitting around the kitchen table eating breakfast.

"Good morning! I made some pancakes and waffles if you're hungry," Elodie's Mom told me with a big smile.

"Thank you. I've got to make Noah's bottle first. Would one of you like to hold him while I do that?"

"Me!" Keisha squealed without hesitation, making everyone laugh.

I handed Noah to her and she took him in her arms saying, "Awww. He's so cute."

David smiled and looked back and forth between her and the baby.

"You look good holding one of those," he teased.

"Yeah well don't go getting any ideas. If you don't want my Dad to kill you, we better get through the wedding first."

He laughed and said, "Let's just elope and run off to Vegas then," he teased, leaning in and kissing her cheek.

"If we did that, my Mom would kill you," she said with a laugh, rolling her eyes.

The two of them were so cute. I walked into the kitchen and made Noah's bottle, still feeling half asleep. Noah had woken me up three times last night, plus Knox woke me up once. I felt like I didn't get any sleep. That was the story of my life these days. I almost forgot what getting a full night of sleep even felt like.

When I walked back in there, Keisha said, "Why don't you let me feed him so you can eat?"

"Sure. That would be great actually. Thank you," I told her, handing her the bottle and sitting down to eat.

"Have you guys heard anything from Knox?" I asked.

Elodie's Mom said, "He just texted a little bit ago and said the doctor thinks it'll be at least a couple more hours.

I nodded, taking a bite of a waffle. "Mmmm. That's really good. It reminds me of my Mom's waffles she used to make."

Thinking about Elodie and Knox being at the hospital brought back memories from the day Noah was born. Tyler had been so great that day, taking care of me and being so sweet. Thinking about it made my heart ache from missing him so much. I pulled out my phone and texted him.

'Hey! What time are you getting in?'

'The plane just landed. I've got an Uber picking me up and bringing me to your house first. I'll be there soon.'

I looked down at myself in my old flannel pajamas and panicked. I needed to get ready.

"Can I ask you guys a huge favor? Is there any way you could babysit Noah while I take a shower and get cleaned up?"

"Of course! We'd love to," Keisha offered and Elodie's Mom agreed. I was really grateful right now that they loved babies so much.

I rushed upstairs and tore through my closet, frantically trying to find something cute to wear before hopping in the shower. I had never shaved my legs and armpits so fast in my life.

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