Chapter 63 - The Reunion

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***** Elodie's Point of View *****

I laid there in the hospital bed, waiting anxiously for Knox to finally get back here with Charlie. My Mom, Juni, Tyler, Noah, Keisha, and David were all waiting with me in my room.

Usually only two guests were allowed in at a time, but they decided to make an exception for us, considering the unusual circumstances. This had been the longest day of my life and the hours I had spent waiting to find out if Knox and Charlie were okay were long and excruciating. Being stuck in this bed and not being able to do anything to help find him was the worst part, especially since I blamed myself.

Why didn't I pay attention? I'm his mother. Why did I just let some random person walk into the room and take him away without a second thought? I knew Peggy had escaped, so I was kicking myself for not being more careful and alert, but I had been so exhausted and tired I guess I wasn't thinking straight.

When I finally got the call that Knox found Charlie and he was safe, I had never felt so happy and relieved. I couldn't wait to hold our baby in my arms again and then give Knox the tightest hug and the longest kiss ever. He was my hero and Charlie's. It seemed like he was always there to save the day and I don't know what I would've done without him.

Meeting Knox was the best thing that ever happened to me and I knew he was going to be a different kind of father to our children than the one I had. The one that left me and my Mom high and dry on our own and disappeared without a trace, without so much as a call or letter. Now that I had a baby of my own, it was even harder to understand what my Dad did, because I couldn't even imagine leaving Charlie and Knox and just taking off.

As we waited, we were all trying to make conversation to pass the time, but it was obvious that everyone else was just as anxious as me for Knox and Charlie to be there. The Chief and Blakely showed up too and waited with us, even though it was almost midnight now. Finally my phone dinged and I saw that it was a text from Knox.

'I just pulled into a parking space at the hospital. I'll be up there in just a minute.'

"That was Knox! He's here!" I told everyone excitedly and they all looked excited too, especially Juni. She had been as worried about Knox and Charlie as I was. When Knox had told us he was going to confront Peggy and Scott by himself, I was terrified that something bad would happen to him. I've never been so scared in my life, but I was also grateful that he was willing to go after our son the way he did. I had heard everyone at the police station brag about how amazing of a detective and martial artist Knox was, but I still couldn't help but worry. Apparently I shouldn't have because they were right about him. He was pretty damn amazing.

A few minutes later Knox walked through the doorway of the hospital room and everyone erupted in cheers, patting him on the back and that made me smile. His eyes scanned the room, immediately looking for me. Seeing Knox's smiling face as he held Charlie proudly in his arms made my eyes burn with tears and I started to cry as he walked through the crowd of people towards me.

He leaned down and placed Charlie into my arms as I sobbed, feeling overwhelmed by happiness and relief. I looked down at our perfect, precious baby, hugging him against my chest and sobbing harder than I ever had in my life.

Then I lifted my watery eyes up to meet Knox's and barely choked out the words, "Thank you," before lowering my face to Charlie's and crying. It would be so hard to explain to anyone how I felt in that moment. A mother being reunited with her baby that she thought might be gone forever had to be the most amazing feeling in the world anyone could ever have. I don't know how anything could ever beat it.

Knox slid into the hospital bed beside me, wrapping an arm around my shoulder and hugging me and Charlie to his side.

"I love you guys so much," he whispered, kissing the side of my head.

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