Chapter 37 - Peggy Loses It

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**** 30 Days Later ****

When we walked into court that day for the sentencing phase of the trial, I was holding Knox's hand and had the biggest permanent smile plastered all over my face. I had never been so happy in my life and it was all because of him and our baby.

I was three months along now and my little baby bump was just now starting to show a little. We took our seats towards the front and he lifted my hand to his mouth and kissed the back of it before looking over at me with a smile.

"I love you," he whispered, leaning in and giving me a kiss, before laying his hand on my growing belly. That gave me butterflies and I wasn't sure if it was the pregnancy messing with my hormones or what, but I was feeling really emotional today as I smiled over at him.

"You're looking awful happy today babe. Any particular reason?" he asked.

"I really liked the bagel sandwich I had for breakfast this morning," I teased.

He laughed. "Yeah I'm sure that's what it is."

I pretended to be thinking. "Yeah I can't think of anything else it could possibly be. That must be it."

He put his arm around my waist, pulling me closer to him and whispered in my ear, "Are you sure it wasn't the mind-blowing sex we had last night? Three times," he smirked, wagging his eyebrows up and down at me.

"Knox!" I whisper-shouted. My face flushed red and I shushed him, playfully pushing on his chest. "Quiet, people might hear you."

"Nobody heard me," he whispered with a smile. "I'm a detective. I'm sneaky like that," he said with a mischievous smirk. "So ummm. You know, we could have a repeat performance tonight. My stuff is getting moved into the new house today and Juni's staying at the apartment tonight and having some friends over. You could stay over with me at the house," he suggested, blowing air on my ear and making me giggle as my face flushed even more red. He had been insatiable lately and he was right. The sex really was mind blowing.

"Yeah. I'd love to stay over," I smiled, leaning in and giving him another kiss. I whispered into his ear, "You know we need to christen every room of that new house of yours. For good luck," I said, sitting up straight and giving him a flirty wink.

His eyebrows were raised. "Really? I'm down with that," he said with a laugh.

I laughed too. "Somehow I knew you would say that," I whispered.

When my eyes finally left his handsome face I looked over and noticed that Peggy had been watching us and she was giving me a look that could kill. It made my smile disappear and I sat up in my chair a little straighter and pushed him back.

"She's watching us," I whispered. "It makes me uncomfortable flirting with each other when she's watching us like that. It's creepy."

"Ok. I guess I'll try to be good and keep my hands to myself," he laughed, letting out an exhale and sitting up straight.

The Judge came in and took his seat on the bench, banging the gavel on a wood block and calling the room to order.

"Today we are here for the sentencing of Peggy Johanson. She has been found guilty of one count of Felony Identity Theft which carries a sentence of one to five years and ten counts of Financial fraud which carry a sentence of six months to five years for each count. There's a big difference between the minimum and maximum sentences. It could mean the difference between spending six years in prison or the max of fifty five years. As the judge, it's up to me to decide what she deserves. To help me make that decision I'm going to have each of her victims come forward and read a victim impact statement telling how her crime has impacted your life and what you think her sentence should be. I want you to tell me whether you think I should be harsh or lenient and why. First up is Juan Carlos."

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