Chapter 10 - The NBA Game

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"Wow. You really are beautiful," David told me.

My face flushed bright red and I said, "Thank you," quietly before I looked down at my hands, feeling a little awkward and uncomfortable.  

Knox sat at the head of the table and brought out his laptop and started it up. David didn't even seem phased by the fact that Knox was there. 

He continued looking at me and said, "I mean it. You really are beautiful. Are you single?" 

I laughed nervously and then said, "Yeah. I am. Why?" 

"I know you aren't really the person I was dating for the past six months, but maybe you should've been. I'd love to take you out and get to know you better." 

I was shocked and not quite sure what to say. Then I remembered Keisha and my promise.

"I actually sort of promised my best friend Keisha that I'd put in a good word for her. She's a big fan of yours and she wanted me to find out if you were interested in going out with her. Hold on. I have a picture of her on my phone," I said, clicking around and only taking a few seconds to find a picture of Keisha. 

I held out the phone for him to see. "This is Keisha. Isn't she gorgeous?" I asked. 

He took the phone from my hand and looked at it. "Yes she is, but I mean, no offense to her or anything, but I'm more interested in going out with you. I'm sure one of my teammates would like her though. What do you say? Would you let me take you out some time?" 

"Ummm. Honestly, I haven't had much experience with dating. Maybe we could just exchange numbers and talk for a while and see how it goes. Are you ok with that?"

He smiled. "Yeah sure. I'm ok with that. It's better than a no. Here give me your number," he said, holding his phone out. 

I took it from him and added myself as a new contact and he did the same with my phone. I noticed Knox looking back and forth between us and I wondered what he was thinking. 

"Okay," he said, clearing his throat. "So David, why don't you start from the beginning and tell us what happened?" 

"So I got this DM on Instagram from Willow and she said she was a big fan. She told me she volunteered at the Children's charity hospital in her spare time just like I did and she thought we had a lot in common. She listened to the same music I did and we even liked the same movies. She was convinced that we were soul mates and pretty soon I started to believe it too. We started talking over the phone and texted back and forth every day. She was the first person I talked to in the morning when I woke up and the last person I talked to before I went to bed. She became a huge part of my life even though we had never met in person." 

Knox nodded as he typed some notes. "So when did you start to get suspicious that something wasn't right?" he asked.

"Well she told me she couldn't come see me because she was deathly afraid of flying, but anytime I would plan a trip to come see her something would come up at the last minute and she'd have to cancel. I'd try to Facetime with her, but she said her phone didn't have Facetime and I offered to buy her a new phone but she wouldn't accept it." 

"Did she ever ask you for money?" 

"Yeah. I sent her money quite a few times. That was before I was suspicious of her. I sent her a hundred thousand dollars because she said her nephew was getting chemo treatments and didn't have the money to continue. If he didn't get the treatments he would die. She knew I had a soft spot for kids because I volunteered at the Children's hospital, so of course I sent her the money." 

"Is that the only money you sent her?" Knox asked. 

"No. I'd say over the entire six months I probably sent her around three hundred thousand for different things that she needed."

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