Chapter 60 - Starting a New Life

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*****Peggy's Point of View *****

"It looks like we're almost there," I told Scott with a smile, looking out the window in awe. "Man these mountains really are beautiful. Just like you said they would be."

"I told you," he smiled. "This is the best place to live off the grid away from society. I can teach our kids how to hunt and fish and we can plant a garden and live off the land. I already bought a cow so we'll have milk and you can take care of the chickens and collect the eggs. We'll have everything we need. I could even build a fence around the yard so you can have a few horses. You'll see. It's gonna be perfect Peggy," he said, reaching over and squeezing my hand, giving me a smile.

I gave  him a smile back. "It sounds like the perfect place for us to start a family."

"It is," he nodded. "And no one will ever think to come looking for us here. The only one who knew about this cabin was my Mom and she's been gone for years now. Out here it's just you and me and the baby and then before too long we'll have babies of our own. We'll have our fake names if anyone asks who we are and we'll homeschool our kids."

"That sounds like a good plan," I nodded. "A lot nicer than spending the rest of my life locked up in a cage like an animal."

I looked down at the sleeping baby in my arms. I had given him some Benadryl to knock him out at the hospital so he wouldn't cry while he was hidden under my jacket. He probably wouldn't wake up for a couple more hours.

He was so beautiful and perfect. Me and Scott and him were going to be a real family, just like I always wanted. Knox didn't deserve him after he took everything from me, making me fall in love with a fake guy he created just to catch me and then breaking my heart.

I wanted revenge, but even more than that, I wanted to have a beautiful baby and I couldn't have one of those myself. I hadn't told Scott yet, but when the horse stepped on me, it didn't just step on my face. It stomped on my stomach too and that damaged my uterus so much that the doctors said I can never carry a baby of my own.

He was always talking about us having kids one day and I didn't have the heart to tell him. Plus I was afraid he wouldn't want me if he knew. If I had my own baby it would have been a hideous monster like me anyways, but Knox and Elodie's baby would be perfect just like them.

And now he was mine and I would get to be his Mom, not her. Not that spoiled bitch that always got everything handed to her. I deserved this. After everything I had been through, I deserved a happy ending and Knox and Elodie could always have more kids. They would be fine and their perfect little life would go on.

It was my turn to have something beautiful and perfect for once, instead of getting shit on at every turn. Things were finally turning around for me. This was just the beginning of good things to come. I could feel it.

It wasn't long before Scott pulled off the main highway onto a gravel road that was lined on both sides with really tall trees. The forest was dense and the really tall, skinny trees were so close together that no sun could get through. Not that it was sunny anyway. Washington was usually cloudy and rainy and today was no exception.

"It won't be long now and we'll be home," Scott said happily, looking over and giving me a smile and a wink. I studied his face thinking. I wondered if he really loved me.

Then that little voice in the back of my head said, 'What if he's another Austin? What if this was all just a game to him and he doesn't really love you? What if he breaks your heart just like Austin did?'

I looked away and closed my eyes, letting out an exhale and trying to ignore that voice. A couple months ago Scott had put me on some new medication that finally made it where I didn't hear the voices anymore, but I had run out a couple days ago and it was too dangerous to go get a refill with us being on the run. I was going to have to learn to live without that medicine and just deal with it.

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