Chapter 43 - Doctor's Appointment w/ Tyler

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***** Juni's Point of View - One week later *****

I sat in the waiting room of the doctor's office, looking down at the time on my cell phone and wondering if Tyler was going to show up. Our appointment was in ten minutes.

Part of me was hoping he wouldn't because I dreaded the thought of seeing him again, but the other part of me hoped he would for the baby's sake. I remembered Elodie's advice and tried to stay focused on what was best for the baby.

A few minutes later the door of the lobby opened and there he was, all 6'3 of him, with his shaggy blonde hair and blue eyes. He was wearing his letter jacket from high school that was completely covered in patches and a pair of faded jeans and some Nike tennis shoes.

I didn't even think it was possible, but somehow he had gotten even more handsome over the summer because his smooth skin now had a golden tan, and his sandy blonde hair was lightened by the sun. He had mentioned that he was lifeguarding this summer so that was probably why.

I swallowed hard, taking a deep breath in. Seeing him again hurt and made my heart ache.

'You can do this' I told myself in my head. 'You can do this.'

He scanned the room and then his eyes finally came to rest on me and I stood up as he made his way over to me. His eyes looked down at my large round belly and widened.

"Wow," he said, rubbing the back of his neck anxiously. "Your stomach is really big."

"Thanks," I laughed. "Just what every girl wants to hear."

He laughed too and looked back down at it again, like he was overwhelmed and processing the fact that I really had a baby in there.

A nurse walked through the door and called out "Juni Hendrix."

"That's me," I said, raising my hand and walking towards her with Tyler following behind.

She led us down a long hallway where she took my height and weight as Tyler stood there awkwardly with his hands stuffed in his pockets and his head down. Then she led us into an exam room and handed me one of those blue hospital gowns and said, "The doctor will be with you shortly. Go ahead and get changed into that while you wait."

Then she left, closing the door and I was left in there alone with Tyler. I looked down at the gown in my hands and let out an exhale. It wasn't like he hadn't seen it plenty of times before, but now things were different.

Apparently he could tell I didn't like the idea of changing in front of him because he said, "I'll turn around."

"Thank you," I told him quietly, slowly getting undressed down to my bra and underwear and then slipping the gown on, realizing I couldn't reach the back to tie it.

"Ummm, could you help me tie it? I can't reach," I asked timidly.

"Sure," he said, and then I felt his fingers lightly graze my neck as he brushed my hair aside to tie the top of it. That sent a chill over my skin, giving me goosebumps and I bit my lip, feeling my heart beating faster.

I hated that he still had that effect on me even after what he did. His hands moved down and tied the two ribbons at the bottom as I stood there awkwardly, feeling the tension in the air growing between us. Luckily the doctor came in right then, rescuing me from it.

"Hi Juni," she said with a big smile, shaking my hand. Then she looked at Tyler and asked, "And who is this that you have with you?"

I said, "This is Tyler, the baby's Dad."

She smiled at him and shook his hand saying, "Congratulations on becoming a Dad. It's very exciting isn't it?"

He laughed awkwardly and said, "Yeah it's exciting alright and scary as hell."

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