Chapter 22 - Staying Over

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"So what should we watch?" I asked, taking my jacket back off and sitting down next to him on the couch.

"Anything but a police drama or detective show. I would feel like I was back at work," he laughed.

"Yeah, that's true," I said with a smile. "Hmmm. How about a comedy?"

My favorite movies were romantic comedies but I wouldn't torture him like that or he might never invite me to stay and watch a movie with him ever again. I definitely didn't want to watch a sad movie after what him and Juni just went through, so a comedy seemed like the best choice.

"Comedy it is," he said, leaning forward and picking up the remote, flipping through Netflix.

"Wait! That one! Go back. Go back," I laughed. "Pink Panther! It's so stupid, but it's hilarious. It's one of my favorites."

"Hmmm. I've never seen it, but I'll give it a shot," he said, turning it on.

We sat there in silence as it started up and pretty soon we were both laughing. I looked over, studying the smile on his face as he laughed at a funny part. I didn't get to hear that sound coming from him often enough and it was really nice to see him happy.

He looked over and caught me looking at him and I looked away, feeling my face flushing. I wondered what he was thinking.

"Pink Panther! I love this movie!" Juni said, coming in and plopping down on the couch beside us. "Wait, pause it. I'll go make us some popcorn!" she said excitedly, before getting up and waddling towards the kitchen.

I took a deep breath in and let out an exhale, feeling disappointed that Knox and I weren't going to be watching the movie by ourselves.

"Hey Junebug!" Knox called out. "Don't you have some homework to do?"

"Nope! I already got it done!" she yelled back from the kitchen.

If I didn't know better, I would have thought he was disappointed that we weren't watching the movie alone too, but he was too nice to tell Juni to get lost.

As much as I wanted to watch the movie alone with Knox, I was also relieved he didn't send her away to her room to be all alone and sad. He really was a good big brother.

Juni returned from the kitchen a couple minutes later with a giant bowl of buttery, salted popcorn and Knox turned the movie back on. The three of us sat there and watched it together, laughing and talking and it ended up being really nice.

Towards the end, my eyes started getting really heavy because I was so tired from the long week I had. I gradually sunk further into the couch and without realizing it, I slowly drifted over towards Knox's shoulder, closing my eyes.

The next thing I remember was waking up on Knox's couch with a blanket laid over me and the sun shining in through his window. I picked my phone up off the coffee table and saw that it was 10:00 a.m. already. I never slept in this late but I figured the wine might have had something to do with that, plus the fact that I had been exhausted. I couldn't believe I fell asleep during the movie the night before. It was disappointing because it felt like Knox and I were finally connecting beyond just a friendship, unless I had just imagined it.

I remembered Knox saying he had to work this morning and I noticed his jacket and keys were missing from the rack by the door, so he was already gone. I quietly got up, trying not to wake up Juni and collected my things before slipping out the door and out to my car.

When I walked into my apartment, I heard some voices coming from the kitchen. I went to the bathroom and brushed my teeth, before going in there to see what was happening. There were David and Keisha at the kitchen counter cooking waffles together, both in their pajamas. Apparently he must have spent the night last night. I looked at them, flirting and smiling at each other and they were so cute. I couldn't help but envy what they had.

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