Chapter 53 - Thanksgiving

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****The Next Day - Juni's Point of View ****

I sat in the living room with Tyler's parents and brother and sister as his Dad messed around with the remote to find ESPN.

"There it is!" his Dad said with a smile. "The game's just about to start. Look! There's Tyler!"

It was crazy seeing Tyler on TV. He was still in California because he had a football game today and then tomorrow he was flying up here to spend the rest of his Thanksgiving break with us. I really wished he could have been here for Thanksgiving Day, but I understood.

It felt like forever since I had seen him. We talked on the phone and did FaceTime calls every day, but it wasn't the same as actually having him here.

I looked down at Noah who was sound asleep in my arms and I thought about how much Tyler missed him. He had missed out on so much time with him already and I knew he hated it.

"Juni, can you come help me and my Mom in the kitchen?" Elodie asked from the doorway, wearing flour on her cheek and an apron that barely fit around her large belly.

"Sure," I said, standing up and handing Noah to Tyler's Mom who took him with a proud smile. I was so grateful for her. His Mom babysat him while I took my college courses during the day at Washington State and she had pitched in to help with diapers and formula.

Tyler's Dad was finally starting to come around and warm up to me, but knowing he was the one that talked Tyler into breaking up with me and pretending the baby wasn't his was a hard thing to get over. To keep the peace I promised Tyler to keep it a secret that I knew and not to confront him about it, but it was hard to bite my tongue.

I walked into the kitchen and saw Elodie's Mom pulling a large turkey from the oven. The smells that were filling the room brought back a lot of good memories of Thanksgivings through the years.

"Here Juni. Can you take these boiled potatoes and throw them in the blender and add some milk, butter, salt and pepper?" she asked breathlessly, wiping her forehead off with the back of her hand.

"Sure. As long as you sit down and take a break," I told her, taking the pot of potatoes from her hands.

She sat down on a stool, letting out an exhale and her Mom walked over, putting an arm around her shoulder as she kissed the side of her head.

"She's right. You need to take it easy. We've got this," she smiled.

Seeing Elodie with her Mom made me miss mine even more. I focused on making the mashed potatoes to take my mind off of it.

Pretty soon the kitchen door swung open and I heard a loud squeal as Elodie's friend Keisha came in carrying a bottle of wine in one hand and a present in the other. She put them down on the table before giving Elodie a tight hug.

"Damn I've missed you," she smiled, before giving Elodie's Mom a hug too. "Hey Mama, how are you?" she asked her.

"I'm great Keisha. How's my second daughter doing? Is that NBA player still treating you right? If not, he'll have to answer to me."

She laughed and shook her head with a smile. "He's treating me just fine. You can retract the claws," she said, giving her a kiss on the cheek, before plopping down into the chair beside Elodie.

"In fact," she said with a huge smile. "We have news."

She lifted up her hand and jiggled her fingers up and down, showing off a huge diamond ring.

"What?!" Elodie gasped, grabbing her into a hug. "I can't believe you didn't tell me?! When did this happen?"

"Last week," she beamed proudly. "I wanted to wait and tell you in person. And I wanted to ask if you'll by my Maid of Honor."

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