The Bully's Diary 1 - Beginnings, Beginnings..

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Author's Note: This book is now in editing (as of January 2015). If the tenses are messed up compared to the rest of the book, it's because I may be changing things around quite a lot.


My name is Carolina Rose. Of course, everyone knows that. I'm the Queen Bee of the school- and I always get what I want. My father is very rich, I have people clamouring to be my friend, and I wear  only the best clothes from all the designer brands. I am what you'd call a popular girl, or, if you're one of the people trying desperately to deny your bitter envy, a bitch. We all know that popular girls have secrets, but we never dig deep enough to find them.

It was the first day back at school after the summer, and as usual, I was strutting through the school hallway with my heels, (that were admittedly way off the regulations of the school policy), click-clacking on the polished floor. My two most trusted friends on either side of me. Gold bangles jingled up and down on my wrists as I walked, and I gave a classic toss of my blonde curls as I walked by. The feminine, sweet, vanilla scent of my perfume followed. I was turning heads as I passed through, everyone staring at me- albeit with mixed expressions. Some of adoration, some of jealousy, and others of ambivalence. Knowing they were looking, I continued my almost provocative prowl along the hallway as if I was on a catwalk.

I was wearing my favourite outfit- my short white skirt and light pink blouse, (to compliment my sky blue eyes), along with a golden pendant around my neck and a cream coloured handbag. Of course, my handbag contained my make-up for emergencies when it needed fixing urgently, a hair brush and a few tattered school books that I probably hadn't written anything in.

I had Jessica Grove on my left, famous for being the school flirt, and Anna Jalone on my right- also known as "the third-wheeler of every couple, ever". When I finally reached the three lockers I had rightfully claimed as mine by a few threats to the lower years, and unlocked it, I rummaged around for the lipstick; this was a bit of a routine. Just as she was about to layer on the lipstick, I felt an arm wrap around my waist.

"Hey, Carolina," he grinned, looking into her eyes adoringly. She would say she can't blame him, she know she had eyes you could easily get lost in- perfect sky blue orbs, obviously every girl's source of envy.

"Hey Matt," I crooned, turning around to face him. I clung possessively to his arm, making sure any other girls looking our way knew he was mine.

He smiled and crushed me to his chest, then kissed me passionately, pulling away after a few seconds. I pouted, playing disappointed, then wrapped my arms around his neck, feeling smug as I saw all the girls begrudgingly watching with burning jealousy.  Matt's the school bad boy, and of course, irresistably good-looking, so it didn't surprise me to see all the stares, (and sometimes glares from the braver ones), I was getting. But of course, since I'm the most popular girl in the entire school, nobody dares to question it.

 Suddenly, I saw a girl I hadn't seen around before walk down the hallway, clutching a book close to her chest as if she was guarding it with her life. She had midnight black hair and emerald green eyes, and was wearing a cheap golden brown leather jacket, along with black skinny jeans and a plain white top. She had clear skin and wore no make-up apart from maybe some mascara, at least that was what I was guessing. As I looked back up at Matt, I realized his eyes were glued to the new girl, as if he was in a trance. When she passed me I gave her my best dirty look. Our eyes met, hers an emerald green, and then she looked back down again. Noticing that she started to walk faster as she hid behind her hair, I smirked. Oh yeah, I'd have some fun with this one...

 "Carolina, I think we should get going.." Jessica said, snapping me out of my tangled thoughts.

 "Hm? Oh, yeah, sure." I replied, still distant. I gave Matt a quick kiss, slammed the locker shut and set off for French- one of my least favourite lessons on my timetable- not that we'd be doing much work.

 Thanks for reading!





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